Page 18 - Designing Ways 281
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                                           Home away from home

                                       Your hotel bed makes all the difference.

                 ery often  longing for home is   mattresses, pillows,  adjustable bases; all   a premium standard when it comes to the
                 commonly defined as “I can’t   form part of our effort to strive to get the   beds they sleep on while traveling.  Many
           Vwait to get back to my own bed”    best night's sleep possible.     hotels around the world proudly market
             In recent years there has been a   This  trend  has for  some  time  now   the fact that you will be able to sleep on
           marked shift in the importance people   been making its way into the hospitality   sought after mattress and pillow brands if
           associate with their sleep.  We are making   industry, where hoteliers are coming to   you book a stay at their establishment.
           bigger investment in our sleep products,   grips with the fact that the market seeks   The introduction of pillow menus has
                                                                                also become a common feature in the
                                                                                hospitality industry.  This, besides the fact
                                                                                that many travellers prefer to travel with
                                                                                their own pillow, in order to enjoy their
                                                                                home sleep comfort no matter where in
                                                                                the world they are.
                                                                                  It is therefore no surprise that the
                                                                                hospitality industry is placing more and
                                                                                more emphasis on providing its clientèle
                                                                                with premium sleep experience, and
                                                                                investing in top quality mattresses, pillows
                                                                                and  even  adjustable  base  sets,  to  better
                                                                                align itself with the market demands of
                                                                                being able to enjoy great sleep away from
                                                                                  The rigours of business travel mean that
                                                                                quality down time in the hotel room is no
                                                                                longer a nice to have but an essential part
                                                                                of  deciding  where  you  to  get  your  best
                                                                                nights rest whilst traveling.
                                                                                   Sleeping on a great hotel bed can help
                                                                                you miss home, just a touch less.  dw


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