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representative, will also be making a
             Our exhibiting members pulled out   us and see new trends and products.  quick trip up to East London to celebrate
           all stops to showcase themselves putting   As we move towards of the last quarter   the opening of the new Easylife Kitchens
           together some seriously impressive   of the year, we need to remind everyone   there, and to tell real  estate agents and
           stands.    Our  congratulations  go out  to   that  this  is  the  start  of  the  silly  season   industry professionals in the region what it
           Totem Kitchens, nuuma, twelve, Sterlings,   and as we get closer to September/  means for them that Easylife East London
           Franke, Interslab, Global Water, Siemens,   October we are likely to see both kitchen   is a KSA member.  We are also looking
           Dezign A Door, Fineline, Pascal Kitchen   manufacturers and suppliers’ order books   forward to a seminar in conjunction
           Specialists, Niemann and Neolith.    filling up.  We always caution consumers   with the DTIC and SAFI, on optimising
             It was wonderful seeing so many   looking to have a kitchen done in the last   export opportunities into Africa.  We
           members and their staff come out to   months of the year on the challenges they   are also proud to announce that we have
           the show.  It gave us the opportunity   may face with full order books and supply   partnered with SAIA for their up-and-
           to  engage  with  a  large  portion  of  our   chain issues.         coming Architecture South Africa (AZA)
           Gauteng membership over the four days.     Moving into September and October   conference which will be taking place at
           What was also fantastic was getting to   we  are  looking  forward  to  two  golf  day   the University of Johannesburg from 4-6
           engage with designers from other African   events – in KZN (happening on the   September 2024.  Niale van der Merve,
           countries and to be able to tell them about   20th of August) and our big bash – the   our Gauteng representative, will be at
           our new international membership.  We   Gauteng golf day on the 19 September   the conference looking to engage with
           also had an opportunity to chat to many   at the Reading Country Club.  For more   architect professionals and industry alike.
           of the Gauteng based students doing our   information contact Niale on gauteng@                  dw
           kitchen design project, as many of the  Tracy Hicks, our KZN regional
           tertiaries we work with had brought their
           students through to the show to chat with

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