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              Newform Ufficio

            and Progetto CMR

             present NE@T eco:

                the future of work

                  ewform  Ufficio, leader in the   Newform Ufficio and  Progetto CMR   and white LPL sides, and the flexible
                  production of office furniture, in   have conceived NE@T ECO to transform   dimensions of the worktops and meeting
           Ncollaboration with the Industrial   the office into a pleasant and welcoming   areas, demonstrate the functionality and
           Design business unit of Progetto CMR -   place. The delicacy of design, the light   efficiency of the NE@T eco system.
           an integrated design company, presents   tones  and the high-quality  materials   The Made in Italy signature of Newform
           NE@T eco, an innovative furniture   contribute to creating a sense of well-being   Ufficio e Progetto CMR is reflected in the
           solution conceived to redefine modern   for those who live in these spaces, making   details, such as the structural elements
           workspaces.                        them more dynamic and functional.  with rounded sides and the handles used
             NE@T eco, a name that recalls the   The vision shared by Newform Ufficio   for both the doors and the front of the
           image of a network that connects people   e  Progetto CMR translates into flexible   drawers.
           and ideas, represents a turning point   and fluid environments, able  to adapt   Designed to integrate perfectly with
           in the organisation of offices. Inspired   themselves to the needs of end customers.   freestanding systems, lockers with
           by the desk-sharing model, this project   Concepts such as welcoming and sharing   access control and bookcases, ideal to be
           combines functionality and design to   are at the heart of this project, reflecting   positioned in the centre of the workspace,
           create a contemporary and sustainable   the latest innovations in workspace   the  NE@T eco  system  follows  aesthetic
           work environment. NE@T eco promotes   design.                        and stylistic canons that support the new
           collaboration and sharing, creating a   NE@T eco responds to the new needs   way of living the office, allowing you to
           360° smart space where efficiency and   of  contemporary offices  with solutions   take advantage of the workspace without
           comfort merge to stimulate creativity and   characterised by a distinctive project   dimensional constraints.
           cooperation among employees.       and clean lines. The metal legs, the oak   With  NE@T  eco,  Newform  Ufficio
                                                                                and  Progetto CMR offer an innovative
                                                                                solution that redefines workspaces,
                                                                                making them more efficient, comfortable
                                                                                and stimulating for all who work in them.

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