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contributing collectively to the overall   to automation adjust lighting settings to   an increasingly popular lighting choice.
           ambiance and functionality of the area.  optimal comfort and energy savings.  Floor lamps, table lamps, desk lamps
             Mixing all these different lights makes   LED lighting is not just about energy   are an inexpensive lighting choice that
           a room look balanced. Recessed lights   efficiency, it is about enhancing our well-  can change the landscape of décor
           make the whole room glow, pendant   being, enabling smarter businesses and   dramatically and easily.
           lights  highlight  special  spots,  and  wall   offering endless design possibilities.  Nature continues to be a wonderful
           fixtures or lamps add extra layers to show   Modern lighting  designs so often act   source of inspiration, as shades made of
           off cool areas.                    as a decorative element within a space.     water grass, palm fibre, jute and linen
             Smart lighting control has become a key   Think statement pendant lighting, or   create an incompatible sense of cosiness.
           player in the world of home automation,   even chandeliers.  In 2024 expect to see   In a material mix with wood or ceramics,
           providing  not  only  extra  convenience,   a shift away from statement pieces and a   natural fibre is used to create impressive
           but also giving home owners unmatched   focus on accent lighting that is designed   looks and unique designs.
           control over their lighting setup.  This   to highlight an element within a space   As outdoor spaces become more like
           advanced feature facilitates seamless   and to highlight the decorative features of   sophisticated living rooms, choosing the
           adjustments in lighting intensities, colour   a space, rather than act as the decorative   correct lighting style is integral for upping
           schemes  and  schedules,  easily  accessible   piece.                the space’s ambience.  Beyond pathway
           through intuitive interface like mobile   Wall mounted spotlights, for instance,   lights,  doorway  sconces  and  pendants,
           applications or voice commands.    can be used to highlight architectural   look out for outdoor wall fixtures that cast
             LED lighting  has made significant   features  within a  home, or  to  highlight   soft background light from behind sleek
           inroads  into  outdoor  and  architectural   specific design choices, such as piece of   silhouettes. Additional features include
           lighting.  LED lighting is becoming   art.                           dimmable controls and LED efficiency.  dw
           smarter, not only in terms of connectivity,   Accent lighting is also  a great option
           but also through advanced controls   to help create that warm, ambient and
           and  automation.    In  2024,  we  will  see   inviting feel in spaces. It can act to fill
           the integration of sensors and artificial   spaces, to make an unused corner for
           intelligence (AI)  into  lighting systems.     instance, a light filled space.
           These  sensors  can detect  occupancy,   Lamps remain a timeless choice, and
           daylight levels and even user preferences   in 2024 expect to see lamps becoming

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