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             Embracing the future of vintage lighting:

                    LED Filaments take centre stage

                                      by Eurolux

                s     the  allure  of  Carbon  Filament   efficiency. For those who appreciate the   achieve the same vintage look and feel but
                 light bulbs continues to captivate   nostalgic charm of exposed filaments but   with the added benefits of modern lighting
           Athe world of decorative lighting,   are looking for a more sustainable eco-  technology. It's the best of both worlds.
           a new contender has emerged, promising   conscious option, LED Filaments are the   Added to which, dimmable options allow
           to take this vintage aesthetic to the next   perfect solution.       you to adjust the light output to create the
           level.  Enter  LED  Filament bulbs—an   One of the standout features of LED   perfect ambiance for any setting. Whether
           innovative fusion of classic design and   Filament bulbs is their impressive lumen-  you're looking to enhance the cosy
           modern technology that is quickly   per-watt efficiency. Unlike traditional   atmosphere of a restaurant, add a touch
           becoming the must-have choice for those   Carbon Filaments, which are known for   of elegance to a hotel lobby, or simply
           who seek both style and efficiency in their   their low light output, LED Filaments   create a warm and inviting space in your
           lighting solutions.                provide a much higher level of brightness   home, LED Filaments offer unparalleled
             The recent new South African     while using significantly less energy. This   versatility.
           legislation governing the distribution   means you can enjoy the soft, warm light   As we move towards a more sustainable
           of lightbulbs spells the end for Carbon   that  defines  vintage  aesthetics  without   future, the shift from Carbon Filament
           Filaments, which don’t meet the minimum   compromising on energy efficiency.  to LED Filament bulbs represents a
           efficiency of 90 lumens per watt. However   In addition to their economic benefits,   significant step  forward in  lighting
           LED Filaments are set to replace Carbon   LED Filament bulbs also boast a longer   technology. Not only do these bulbs
           Filaments, offering the same warm,   lifespan.  While  Carbon  Filaments  preserve the vintage aesthetic that so
           ambient glow that has made vintage   typically offer around 3,000 hours of light,   many designers and homeowners love,
           lighting so popular, but with significantly   LED Filaments can last up to 15,000 hours   but they also align with modern energy-
           enhanced performance and energy    or more, reducing the need for frequent   saving practices.
                                              replacements and further contributing to   In conclusion, LED  Filament bulbs
                                              their cost-effectiveness.         are  not  just  a replacement  for  Carbon
                                               Eurolux Lighting's  range of LED   Filaments - they're an upgrade. By
                                              Filament bulbs comes in a variety of   combining the timeless beauty of vintage
                                              shapes and filament designs, ensuring   lighting with the efficiency and longevity
                                              that there's a perfect match for every style.   of LEDs, they offer a lighting solution that
                                              From the classic pear and tubular shapes   meets the demands of today's discerning
                                              to intricate tapered candles in warm   consumers. So why not make the switch
                                              and cool whites and beautiful ambers,   and experience the latest in vintage
                                              these bulbs are designed to be as visually   lighting for yourself? With LED Filament
                                              stunning as they are functional.  bulbs,  you  can  enjoy  the  best  of  both
                                               These bulbs are more than just light   worlds: ambiance and economy.  dw
                                              sources—they're design elements in their
                                              own right. With LED Filaments, you can

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