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Welcome Spring

                with Outdoor
                Collections by

            Qeeboo and RODA
                                               Nami Collection
                    by Maldini                 by Qeeboo

               pring is the perfect season to refresh   space. Designed for both comfort and   serves multiple functions—whether you
               your outdoor spaces, transforming   style, the collection features ergonomic   use it as a cooler for keeping beverages
           Sthem into stylish retreats where you   seating that offers excellent support while   chilled during outdoor parties or a planter
           can enjoy the warmer weather. Whether   adding a distinctive aesthetic to your   to showcase vibrant greenery. The Cobble
           you're working with a spacious garden, a   garden or patio. Made from durable,   chairs, designed with smooth, rounded
           cosy patio, or a modern terrace, Qeeboo   weather-resistant materials, Nami is   forms, bring a sculptural quality to your
           and RODA’s outdoor collections offer   perfect for outdoor conditions, offering   seating area while maintaining maximum
           the perfect combination of bold design   timeless beauty that lasts through every   comfort. The combination of modern
           and functionality. Discover these striking   season. Whether you’re creating a peaceful   design and playful versatility makes the
           ranges which will redefine your outdoor   lounge or an inviting entertainment area,   Cobble range perfect for both small,
           living experience.                 Nami is the ideal choice to enhance your   intimate spaces and larger, lively outdoor
             The Nami collection by Qeeboo draws   spring setup.                setups.
           its inspiration from the fluidity and grace   Qeeboo’s  Cobble Table with Chairs   For those looking to take relaxation
           of  ocean  waves.  With  sculptural  curves   introduces a playful yet practical element   to a new level, the  Arena daybed by
           and soft lines, the Nami pieces bring a   to your outdoor decor. With its unique   RODA offers an unparalleled lounging
           sense of effortless elegance to any outdoor   integrated bucket, the  Cobble Table   experience. Designed with a unique
                                                                                woven frame and spacious cushioning,
                                                                                this luxurious daybed invites you to
                                                                                unwind in the comfort of your garden
                                                                                or terrace. The Arena daybed blends
                                                                                beautifully with natural surroundings,
                                                                                making it both a striking focal point and a
                                                                                serene retreat for sunny spring afternoons.
                                                                                  Complete your outdoor dining setup
                                                                                with RODA’s  Plein Air Table and  Harp
                                                                                chairs, a sophisticated duo that brings
                                                                                elegance and simplicity to any outdoor
                                                                                space. The Plein Air Table features sleek
                                                                                lines  and  a  minimalist  design,  perfect
                                                                                for  al  fresco  dining.  Paired  with the
                                                      Plein Air Table with Harp Chair    Harp chairs, which boast a clean, linear
                                                                     by Roda    form and comfortable woven seat, this
                                                                                combination elevates  your  dining  area
                                                                                with timeless sophistication and practical
                                                                  Cobble Table    Whether  you're  drawn  to  the  playful
                                                                    by Qeeboo   elegance of Qeeboo or the luxurious
                                                                                comfort of RODA, each piece offers
                                                                                unique ways to elevate your outdoor
                                                                                  Visit our showroom at 12 Kramer
                                                                                Road, Kramerville, Sandton to experience
                                                                                these innovative designs first-hand and
                                                                                discover how they can transform your
                                                                                outdoor living area into a stylish retreat.

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