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             Let’s Go Outdoors

                      by KARE

               s t  he warmth of Spring begins to
                 envelop Johannesburg, KARE
           ADesign invites you to embrace the
           season with their latest "Let's Go Outdoors"   Sofa Set, Elba Quattro, Nature
           campaign.  Whether  lounging  solo or
           hosting friends, KARE's curated collection
           offers everything you need to create a stylish   maintenance. From bold, statement plants   lemonade or something stronger, these
           and functional outdoor retreat.    to subtler options, this greenery adds   stylish pieces elevate your outdoor dining
                                              freshness and vitality to any setting. This   experience. Designed for both form
           Stylish Outdoor Furniture for Every   is ideal for areas where traditional plants   and function, they bring an element
           Setting                            might struggle to thrive, ensuring your   of sophistication to any social event,
             A perfect outdoor space begins with   patio stays vibrant all season.  ensuring that every moment feels special.
           the right furniture, and KARE's Spring
           collection features a range of chic patio   Boho-Chic Vases and Planters  Personalised Wall Art to Make the Space
           sets and side tables designed to blend   Add a splash of bohemian charm to   Your Own
           seamlessly with any décor style. Whether   your outdoor haven with KARE's unique   No outdoor retreat is complete without
           you're working with a  sprawling garden   selection of vases and handcrafted rope   a  touch  of  personal  flair,  and  KARE's
           or a cosy balcony, their carefully selected   planters. These beautiful, versatile pieces   selection of  weather-resistant wall  art
           outdoor furniture offers both comfort and   can display faux plants or fresh flowers,   provides the perfect finishing touch. From
           aesthetic appeal. The clean lines, modern   infusing your space with warmth and   vibrant glass prints to durable sculptures,
           materials, and bold designs ensure your   texture. The planters, in particular,   these pieces add character and transform
           outdoor seating area is as sophisticated as   offer a nod to eco-friendly design while   plain walls into focal points, making your
           your interior living spaces.       providing a trendy, laid-back look that   outdoor space feel like an extension of your
                                              complements a variety of styles, from   home.
           Lush Greenery, Minus the Maintenance  minimal to eclectic.             This Spring, let KARE Johannesburg
             Bring a touch of nature into your                                  help you create an outdoor space that
           outdoor space with KARE's selection of   Elegant  Glassware  for  Outdoor  reflects your style and enhances your
           artificial and faux plants. Offering the   Entertaining              living experience. Embrace the season
           visual appeal of natural greenery without   For  those who love  entertaining,   with design that's beautiful, functional,
           the hassle of upkeep, these plants are   KARE's  elegant  glassware  collection is   and utterly unique.   dw
           perfect for homeowners who want to enjoy   the perfect addition to your alfresco
           the beauty of the outdoors without constant   gatherings. Whether serving a refreshing

                                                              Deco Plant,
                                                              Cycas Tree, 78cm
                                                                                   Cutlery, Paris
                Chair with Armrest Palma Nature                                   Black, Matt

                                                                                                Candle Holder
                                                                                               Marvelous Duo
                                                                                                Green Brown
                                                                Deco Plant,                          49cm
                                                                Cycas, 70cm
                                                                                        Candle Holder
                                                                                        Palm Tree, Silver
                               Sorrento HD

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