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                 Revolutionising Interior Design with

                             Augmented Reality

                                  by Home Fabrics

              n the ever-evolving world of interior   a living room or furnishing an office. This
              design, Home Fabrics is at the forefront   not only saves time but also reduces the
           Iof innovation by integrating cutting-  need for large physical displays, enabling
           edge technology into its fabric collections.   you to explore a broad range of design
           With Glyph, an advanced augmented   options with just a touch.
           reality platform, we are transforming how   By combining physical fabric samples
           fabrics are experienced and selected. This   with dynamic digital experiences, Glyph
           revolutionary approach allows designers   empowers Home Fabrics to remain
           and customers to visualise a variety of   flexible and responsive to ever-changing
           textures, patterns, and colours in real   interior design trends. This is especially
           time, seamlessly blending creativity   valuable in the fast-paced world of home   more satisfying and informed design
           with convenience. At Home Fabrics, our   décor, where client needs and preferences   experience.
           commitment to pushing  the  boundaries   can shift rapidly.            Additionally, Glyph fosters collab-
           of design is creating limitless possibilities                        oration. Whether working remotely or in
           for personalised interior spaces.  Augmented Reality for Confidence and   the showroom, designers can make live
                                              Creativity                        changes to fabric selections, share ideas,
           Endless Fabric Choices at Your Fingertips  One of the key advantages of Glyph’s   and receive instant feedback from clients,
             Glyph technology redefines how fabrics   augmented reality is the confidence it   bringing a new level of creativity and
           are showcased. Imagine browsing a fabric   gives customers. Being able to visualise   interactivity to the design process.
           collection where you can instantly swap   a fabric’s impact on a room or piece
           between countless patterns and colours—  of  furniture  helps  remove  uncertainty   A Sustainable Approach to Interior
           all  from  one  physical  sample.  At  Home   from the decision-making process. At   Design
           Fabrics showrooms, Glyph allows you to   Home Fabrics, our clients can see exactly   Innovation  at  Home Fabrics isn’t
           visualise how a particular fabric will look   how  their  chosen  fabrics  will  transform   just about enhancing the customer
           in your space, whether you’re redecorating   their homes or businesses, creating a   experience; it’s also about embracing

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