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                                                 Ulrika Sparre (Stockholm,
                                                 Sweden), “I am the Light”,
                                                   Lightboxes with short
             PASSAGES INSOLITES is focusing       poetic messages have been
                                                  placed all around Quebec
           on women artists through our first-ever   City, a literary circuit to be
           partnership with the OpenArt biennial of   discovered during a stroll
           Örebro, Sweden, which has brought work   through town. These lyrical
           by three Swedish collectives and artists:   incursions in surprising
           STYRELSEN FOR STÖR KONST, Ulrika      locations enliven the urban
                                                  landscape with charming
           Sparre, and Susanna Hesselberg. In 2022,   but cryptic statements that
           three Quebec artists will complete the   are at once personal and
           exchange by exhibiting at OpenArt.     evasive. Philosophical in
                                                  nature, the excerpts open
           PASSAGES   INSOLITES  circulating       the door to existential
           works                                  contemplation and invite
                                                    passersby to plunge
             EXMURO arts publics has also begun    momentarily into an
           circulating works from PASSAGES         introspective reverie.
           INSOLITES to other cities in Quebec,   Presented in partnership
           Canada, and around the world as a means   with the OpenArt biennial
                                                    (Örebro, Sweden).
           of promoting its artists, achievements,   EXMURO is grateful to the
           and expertise designing and presenting   Conseil des arts et des lettres
           temporary public  artworks.  This  year   du Québec and the Conseil
           alone,  Longueuil,  Trois-Rivières,    des arts du Canada for its
           Terrebonne, Montreal,  and Gatineau  (as   financial support.
           part of its Sentier Culturel initiative) are
           hosting  works  initially  conceived  and
           presented in Quebec City for PASSAGES

           The first-ever PASSAGES INSOLITES
           catalogue makes the perfect souvenir!
             For the first time in our history, we   Susanna Hesselberg,
           are releasing a PASSAGES INSOLITES     (Malmö, Sweden), “When
           exhibition catalogue. It’s the perfect way   my father died it was like a
           to take some art home with you, learn   whole library had burned
                                                      down”, 2015
           more about the stories, works, and artists,   Scarcely visible on the
           and savour the memory of the 8th edition   horizon, a library plunges
           of this unique public art festival.    deep into the abyss of an
             EXMURO  and  the  City  of  Québec    underground shaft. The
           would like to thank the Ministère de   riveting sight invites further
           la  Culture  et  des  Communications,  the   exploration, but the wealth
                                                  of knowledge and poetry
           Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec,   we could fall into remains
           the Canada Council of the Arts, the     out of reach. The title
           Government of  Canada,  Québec City    references song lyrics by
           tourism, the Consulat general de France   Laurie Anderson to evoke
           à Québec. We are also grateful to site   the all-consuming pain of
                                                   losing a loved one. This
           and artwork partners : OpenArt, the   buried library, not unlike a
           Assemblée nationale du Québec, the    tomb, reflects the mourning
           Grand Théâtre de Québec, the Citadelle-  for transmission interrupted,
           Musée Royal 22e Régiment.   dw          for knowledge now lost,
                                                   irrevocably and forever.
                                                  Presented in partnership
             Photography credit:                  with the OpenArt biennial
             Stéphane Bourgeois_EXMURO              (Örebro, Sweden).
                                                 EXMURO is grateful to the
              Conseil des arts et des lettres
                                                  du Québec and the Conseil
                                                  des arts du Canada for its
                                                    financial support.

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