Page 67 - Designing Ways 247
P. 67

Charles-Étienne Brochu (Quebec City, Quebec),
                        “King of the Mountain”, 2020
                   A monumental house of cards with colourful
                 illustrations stands before the Parliament Building.
                 The work illustrates the precarious nature of social
                   equilibrium and represents the duality of our
                 precious institutions, which are at once fragile and
                  robust. Much like the fabric of Quebec society, a
                  house of cards requires great care and constant
                 vigilance. All it takes is a gust of wind or one abrupt
                 move to topple everything we have worked so hard
                               to build.
                   Presented in partnership with the Assemblée
                          nationale du Québec.

                  Yann Farley (Sainte-Justine, Québec), “Station A”, 2021
                 “Station A” is a payment station that blends into the urban
                 landscape, with its familiar interface and pictograms, along
                  with the tantalizing promise of giving you something for
                  free. But all attempts to operate the machine are fraught.
                 The instructions seem increasingly absurd until we reaslise
                  the nature of the twisted trail the artist has set out for us.
                 This electroacoustic interactive sculpture pokes fun at our
                ambiguous relationship with the automated equipment we now
                          interact with everywhere we go.

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