Page 47 - Designing Ways 250
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organic shapes. A subject will be much
less confrontational once one has broken it
down into these basic shapes. Instead of
having to solve one large and challenging
puzzle, solve several smaller but easier
The role of shapes in graphic design.
Shapes are another basic element in
graphic design. They pertain to the figures
and forms that are geometric, organic or
abstract, making up all the other elements
in design.
Geometric shapes like squares, triangles
and circles have certain meanings that
define the graphic design. Circles represent
eternity because they have no beginning
or end. They likewise represent free
movement but are also widely used to
protect and restrict. Squares and triangles
studying the influence of shapes on people What is shape in art? mean stability, honesty, security and
is known as the psychology of shapes. There are two major types of shape in equality among other things. But because
The study claims that each shape has its art: Geometric and Organic. of their familiarity, they are not used to grab
own meaning, and influences our minds The geometric shapes are mathematical attention. Triangles suggest movement,
and reactions differently. There are many and include squares, circles and action, tension and aggression. They mean
psychological tests that are used to define triangles. Organic shapes are irregular or stability when standing on their base and
the personality or mental condition via asymmetrical. One will encounter them instability when not.
shapes. For example, a favourite figure frequently when painting a landscape Natural shapes take the form of those
can tell about a person’s character traits, a (think of the shapes which make up naturally or organically available in the
quickly chosen shape can show what’s on clouds, trees and rocks). environment, such as trees, birds and
the mind. When starting a new drawing or rivers. When applied in graphic design,
Many years of research and tests have painting, the first task is to break the natural shapes are rather interesting and
helped professionals to define what subject down into basic shapes. Instead thematic. A basic shape like a round or
meaning each shape typically brings, and of seeing trees, rocks, grass and sky, one a square can become more dramatic if it
how it can influence human perception. should see squares, circles, triangles and were adorned with leaves or flowers. dw
dw • Issue 250 47