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 Hospitality   industry  is  concerned  with     entertainment facilities, shopping
               providing customers with a place to
               stay temporarily                  without needing to leave the resort.
 by Stienie Greyling  •   Bed  and  Breakfast  – Bed and   Many resorts also offer all-inclusive
               Breakfast or B & Bs are small     pricing.
 he hospitality industry is generally   establishments offering  overnight   •   Time Sharing – Finally, time-
 recognised as a section of the   stays and breakfast in the morning.  shared accommodation is where
 Twider industry, focusing on leisure   •   Hotels – Arguably the most obvious   ownership or usage rights are shared
 rather than more basic needs.  form  of  accommodation in  the   between multiple people.  It may be
               hospitality industry, hotels  cater to   a house, apartment or similar type
 What is the Hospitality Industry?  people  who  require overnight  or   of property and each owner will
 The hospitality industry refers to various   long-term stays.  Aside from offering   typically be allocated a particular
 businesses and services linked to leisure   lodgings they tend to provide various   time of the year when they will have
 and customer satisfaction.  A defining   other services including room   the right of use.
 aspect of the hospitality industry is that   service, housekeeping and facilities
 it focuses on ideas of luxury, pleasure,   for eating and drinking.  What is Hospitality Management and its
 enjoyment and experiences instead of   •   Motels –  Motels  are  similar  to   importance?
 catering to necessities and essentials.  hotels,  but are  specifically  designed   It  involves  overseeing various  aspects
               for overnight accommodation by   of these establishments such as guest
 The difference between the Hospitality   motorists.  With this in mind they   services, operations, marketing, finance,
 Industry and the Travel Industry.  are generally situated at the roadside   human resources and more, with the
 The hospitality and travel industries are   and will have free car parking   ultimate goal of providing exceptional
 closely connected, but there are also some   facilities.  Unlike hotels, however,   customer experiences and maximising
 subtle differences to be aware of.  On a   motels usually offer little in the way   profitability.
 basic level, the travel or tourism industry   of additional services or facilities.  What does Hospitality Management
 is concerned with services for people   •   Hostels – Hostels have communal   entails?
 who have travelled away from their usual   accommodation  where  multiple  It covers subjects such as agribusiness,
 residence for a relatively short period.  guests usually sleep in a shared room   food packaging, food safety, food service
 By contrast, the  hospitality industry     with  guests  renting  a  bed  effectively.     and food/culinary innovation.  Journals
 is concerned with leisure and consumer   Bathroom and  kitchen facilities  are   related to the field of hospitality and
 satisfaction services.  This may well mean   usually shared and hostels offer less   tourism includes subjects such as leisure
 offering services to tourists. Still, it can   privacy than hotels.  Yet they are usually   activities, cultural aspects of travel and
 also include providing services to people   significantly cheaper, making them a   the economics of tourism.
 who are not tourists, such as local people   solid option for those with low budgets.
 enjoying their free time or people coming   •   Resorts – A resort is similar to a   What skills are needed to succeed in
 to an area for reasons other than tourism.  hotel, but will provide a wider range   hospitality?
               of facilities and amenities.  This   A good hotelier is a democrat, a
 Sectors within the Hospitality Industry.  means that guests can access sleeping   diplomat, an acrobat, an autocrat and a
 •   Accommodation - The accommo-  facilities, food and drink facilities,   doormat, all wrapped in one.  dw
 dation  sector of  the  hospitality

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