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           Changi Jewel’s Experience Studio,
           Singapore Changi Airport | 2019                                                                                        The Theatre of Experience: Terminal 4, Singapore Changi Airport | 2017
           Photo credit: Moment Factory                                                                                           Photo credit: Moment Factory

           the restaurant, retail, and business tenants   Airport vies with Dallas-Fort-Worth   oasis, a one kilometre-long LED ribbon   distinct yet diverse personality of the   So, where is Moment Factory headed   Moment Factory’s teams have also
           that overlook the epic new atrium.  as the second busiest airport on the   unfurls across two storeys, amplifying      state’s 21 counties, and to pay homage to   next?                    landed  in  Seoul’s  Incheon International
                                              planet. The Journey of Discovery in the   the beauty of nature with native botanical   innovators shaping its history and future.  Expect more innovative work from   Airport, rated as Skytrax 2023’s fourth-
           The  Colour  Bath,  Shinjuku  Station,   recently renovated Terminal 1, originally   themes and showcasing Qatar’s rich                                   the studio’s ongoing collaborations   best airport in the world.
           Tokyo | 2021                       designed by Foster+ Partners, strengthens   cultural heritage on a 24-hour ambient   The future of passenger experience   with the world’s busiest and top-  Every step along the travel journey
           Calming the commuter rush          the airport’s reputation as a leading   loop. Ideal for long layovers, or even      innovation                         ranked transportation hubs, including,   counts. By  embracing  the  transformative
             An estimated 3.7 million daily   destination for passenger experience   a quick recharge, the serene space             These  world-class  travel  hubs  notably, another collaboration with   potential of transportation hubs, each step
           visitors pass through Shinjuku Station   innovation.  Positioned  at  strategic  encourages travellers to meander and   exemplify a paradigm shift in passenger   Changi Airport, named the world’s best   has the chance to leave a personal and
           in Tokyo, Japan, making it the busiest   touchpoints, four multimedia activations   dwell  in  the  terminal’s  retail,  food,  and   experience innovation.  airport by Skytrax in 2023, and Incheon   lasting imprint on every traveller.  dw
           transportation hub in the world. The   contribute to this holistic effort to create a   beverage zones, and repositions Hamad-  “In today’s experience economy,   International Airport in Korea.
           East-West Passageway serves as a   welcoming atmosphere and impart a deep   ranked #1 in the world by Skytrax in 2021   travellers leave home  with heightened                         
           crucial artery for the subway, inner-  sense of place for arriving and departing   and 2022-as a refreshing, rather than   expectations,” says Mikael Charpin,
           city, and commuter-rail travellers who   passengers, from curb to gate or gate to   draining leg of the travel journey.  General Manager and Producer of the
           cross the 100-metre corridor every day.   curb. Integrating interactive technologies                                   Cities Unit at Moment Factory. “Leading   Journey of Discovery: Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport | 2022
           However, the overcrowded and stressful   were key to the client’s vision, including   The  Digital Journey  of  Surprises:   transportation hubs are no longer simply   Photo credit: Moment Factory
           atmosphere had earned it a negative   original content and storytelling from   Terminal  A,  Newark  Liberty           where the travel journeys begin and end.
           reputation. To improve circulation and   celebrated local artists, crafted to resonate   International Airport | 2023  Increasingly, they have become a vital
           create a sense of harmony, The Colour   with local travellers and spark visitors’   Taking local pride global          extension of the travel experience, where
           Bath envelops the corridor with glowing   curiosity. Extending the passenger   As part of the largest design-build     cultural discovery and entertainment
           gradients, themed  moods,  and  ambient   journey on both ends, the immersive   project in the state’s history, the    open the door to higher satisfaction rates,
           digital content. Drawing inspiration from   Twin Gardens in the Meeters and Greeters   transformation of the New Terminal A   increased brand value, and revenues.”
           Shinjuku’s diverse culture, the large-scale   Hall offers visitors a lush environment to   at Newark Liberty International Airport   As a recent impact study on immersive
           multimedia ecosystem—one of the largest   play, relax, and share excitement for their   (EWR) extends a proud New Jersey   installations by studio HABO confirms,
           of its kind in Japan—uses light, video, and   trip with friends and family, whether in   welcome to domestic and international   service environment and atmosphere
           sound to offer commuters calming and   person or on social media.    travellers. Seamlessly integrated into            account for a 42.5% weight in the
           colourful moments of wonder. In support                              the terminal’s architecture and systems,          traveller experience, making it the
           of JR East’s business goals, The Colour   The Orchard, Hamad International   The Digital Journey of Surprises was      most significant factor for improving
           Bath also creates room for revenue-  Airport, Doha | 2022            strategically designed  to provide  an            international rankings (as per Airports
           generating content within a unified and   Reinvigorating the travel itinerary  entertaining  experience  within  a     Council International). In addition to
           entertaining ecosystem.             As  part  of an  expansion  that  will   highly functional space. Located at key   increasing brand equity, the study finds
                                              increase Hamad International Airport’s   touchpoints, a series of permanent large-  that art and immersive experiences
           The Journey of Discovery: Terminal 1,   capacity to more than 75 million visitors,   scale installations evolve to meet traveller   boost traffic, dwell times, and on-site
           Hong Kong International Airport | 2022  Moment Factory was tasked with creating   needs from curb to gate, with New    revenues, proving transportation hubs
           Expanding the journey landside     a rejuvenating multimedia environment   Jersey pride front and centre every step    can be places where travellers and non-
             With almost 72 million passengers   for the new concourse’s indoor tropical   of the way. Moment Factory consulted   travellers alike choose to spend their
           served in 2019, Hong Kong International   garden, The Orchard. Surrounding the   with numerous experts to capture the   time and money.

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