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            Give your kitchen a

              feeling of home

              sweet home this

                festive season                  Global earthy tones to keep your kitchen warm

                     by Dulux

                 here is no place like our kitchens
                 in  our  homes, especially during
           Tthe      much-anticipated  festive
           season. A kitchen is essentially the soul of
           any home, it’s where we go to nourish our
           bodies, it’s also the part of our home where
           the best bonding takes place. We share
           stories of the day that has just passed,
           reminisce on fond family memories, and
           of course, add a little bit of the odd gossip
           story here and there.
             Taking inspiration from the recently
           launched Dulux Colour of the Year 2024,   Fluid natural tones to keep your kitchen calm
           Sweet Embrace™, which has shown how
           people are looking to utilise colour in
           redefining their place in the world, here
           are some of the latest kitchen colour
           trends we have been seeing in 2023 so far
           as we head towards the festive season.

           Global earthy tones to keep your kitchen
             Global earthy tones are warm neutrals
           which are grounding and timeless,
           reminding you of home, a place that
           feels comfortable and safe, and combines
           shades of stone, soil and clay. They
           can help create a personal space that is
           familiar and embracing – somewhere we   Modern pastel tones to keep your kitchen joyful
           can feel snug and find comfort. They are
           known to bring the essence of nature and
           tranquillity, truly setting up the mood of   research suggests that many consumers   most importantly, get that much-needed
           the moment when you are busy cooking   like the idea of bringing nature closer than   joy you crave when preparing food for
           your favourite dishes for your family   ever. Consumers are looking to slow down   your family.
           during this festive season.        their thoughts and immerse themselves   Discover how Sweet Embrace™ and the
                                              into the intricacies of preparing their food   new Dulux Colour of the Year palettes
           Fluid natural tones to keep your kitchen   as well.                  could turn your kitchen into a warm and
           calm                                                                 inviting space with the Dulux Visualizer
             These  spontaneous  tones  evoke  Modern pastel tones to keep your   App during this festive season. It is the
           thoughts of nature, and the essence of   kitchen joyful              perfect companion to help provide a
           what life is. Bringing together the soft    Modern pastels are known to put a   little colour guidance for your kitchen
           greens  and  blues  of  the  woods  and  sea,   smile on your face with dreamy lilacs and   revamp.
           you can create a quiet kitchen where   modern yellows to create a friendly, light-  For more tips and colour inspiration,
           you can clear your mind, feel peaceful,   hearted space where you feel energised,   visit  the  Dulux  social  pages  Facebook,
           hear the chirping sound of birds outside   joyful, and open to new possibilities. This   Twitter and Pinterest or Instagram.  dw
           and understand the value of the simpler   sets a scene where you get your creative
           things. Recent Dulux ColourFutures™   juices flowing to cook super dishes, and

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