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TRADE WINDS             Coulisse acquiring Lienesch. Left to right: Ruud de Lange, Christiaan Roetgering, Bennie Lienesch, Maurice
                                                                                    Roetgering, and Jens Niermeyer.

                Coulisse expands with acquisitions of Lienesch and Sensuna:

                              Pioneers in honeycomb and pleated window coverings

                 oulisse, a world-leading player in   Lienesch in 2001. Having started   will partner with Window Fashion AG.
                 window coverings, will acquire   working together in 2011, the strategic   All previous Sensuna activities and the
           CLienesch International BV in      collaboration between Coulisse and   production facilities of Window Fashion
           Haaksbergen, the Netherlands and   Lienesch has led to the launch of   AG will be transferred into the new joint-
           Sensuna GmbH in Plauen, Germany    the energy-saving Honeycell® fabric   venture Smart Shades GmbH.
           effective January 1st 2024. The takeovers   collection. Thanks to excellent knowledge   Andreas Schreiber, CEO of Window
           will further strengthen Coulisse's global   of textiles, continual innovation, and close   Fashion AG: “This new venture marks
           position in the field of honeycomb   relationships with the  market,  Lienesch   a strategic investment in advancing our
           and pleated textiles and systems in the   offers high-quality and inspiring fabrics   production capabilities for honeycomb
           interior shading market. The turnover of   for interior shading. After the acquisition,   and pleated blinds. With Coulisse,
           Coulisse  is  expected  to  increase  to  200   the textile  production  facilities  will   we aspire to push the boundaries of
           million euros in 2024, with around 350   remain in Haaksbergen, the Netherlands.  production robotisation.”
           employees.                          Bennie Lienesch, Founder of Lienesch:
                                              “We are thrilled to join forces with   Dual presence at R+T 2024
           Complete honeycomb and pleated     Coulisse as it opens up new opportunities   In response to recent developments,
           solution                           for us in the global market. Combining   Coulisse is set to present its latest
             The  acquisitions  bring  together  the   our expertise in honeycomb and pleated   innovations across two booths at the
           long-standing knowledge and expertise   fabrics with Coulisse's proficiency in   upcoming R+T trade fair in Stuttgart in
           of Coulisse, Lienesch, and Sensuna in   systems and smart automation creates a   February 2024. The MotionBlinds smart
           developing  and  manufacturing  a total   winning formula. We eagerly anticipate   home booth will feature an immersive
           solution of honeycomb and pleated   elevating our business to new heights.”  room, smart device room and exclusive
           fabrics,  systems,  and motorisation.  The                           product launches. Simultaneously, the
           extensive global network of distributors,   Sensuna system experts   joint booth featuring Lienesch and
           assembly partners, and retailers of the   To  complete  the  honeycomb and   Coulisse will showcase the latest pleated
           three companies now has the convenience   pleated total solution, Coulisse will   and honeycomb fabrics, with a focus
           of sourcing a comprehensive product   acquire Sensuna from owners Hartmut   on the new range of recycled materials.
           range from a single supplier.      Knauth and Kathrin Kaiser in  Plauen,   This underscores the commitment
             Christiaan  Roetgering,  CEO  at  Germany. The company specialises in   to sustainability and energy-efficient
           Coulisse: “In line with our shared vision,   the production of made-to-measure   solutions, aligning perfectly with current
           our goal is to offer customers the ultimate   honeycomb and pleated blind systems,   market priorities.  dw
           total solution for honeycomb and pleated   which are delivered to online sales
           shades. This collaboration is a significant   channels. With this acquisition, Coulisse
           stride towards positioning Coulisse at the
           forefront of the window covering business
           with a particular focus on energy-efficient
           and future-proof solutions for smart
           homes and buildings worldwide.”

           Lienesch fabric specialists
             With over twenty years of experience,
           Lienesch has become a pioneering
           specialist in honeycomb and pleated
           fabrics since it was founded by Bennie

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