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                Cosentino Announces Dekton® Ukiyo, a first-of-its-kind fluted

                                collection with designer Claudia Afshar

               As one of the first to feature fluted tiles, Cosentino continues to bring cutting-edge,

                                     sustainable solutions to the world of design

                 osentino, the global leader in   nature and making the spaces I design   such as slate, offers subtle, faded
                 the production of  sustainable   as comfortable, warm and authentic as   graphics, a carefully created texture
           Csurfaces  for architecture and    possible. Ukiyo is calming yet simplistic,   and a natural aesthetic perfect for
           design, announces Dekton® Ukiyo, a new   and the colourways and fluting are   any type of environment.
           textured collection that is available in   romantic, but also contemporary and   •   Grey ‘Kreta’, inspired by classic
           ready-to-instal fluted tiles, one of the first   masculine, to achieve balance.’   cement floors, provides darker
           offerings of its kind in the industry.   Dekton® Ukiyo, whose textures  bring   or lighter areas depending on the
             The collection, which offers livable   distinctive depth and dimension to any   density  of  the  pattern,  and  a  matte
           luxury with the durability of Dekton®,   space, residential or commercial, is ideal   texture that combines with any type
           was created in collaboration with   for a virtually limitless range of vertical   of material and makes it suitable for
           internationally  recognised  interior  cladding applications, from facades and   diverse applications.
           and product designer Claudia Afshar.   fireplaces to custom furniture and so much   •   ‘Nacre’, which has high decorative
           Dekton®, which is full life-cycle carbon   more. It is available in a matte finish and   value with its different reliefs and
           neutral, was selected for the collection   two fluting options: GV2, with grooves 5   scattered gradients, shows the trowel
           due to its sustainable properties and high-  mm wide and 3 mm deep, and set 25 mm   marks that bring the colour to life, a
           performance capabilities.          apart; and GV3, with grooves 4 mm wide   subtle interplay of light and shadow
             Dekton® Ukiyo was inspired by Japanese   and deep, and set 11 mm apart. Both come   in the design, and a silky finish.
           and contemporary design. Celebrating   in tile size 450 mm x 3 000 mm.   •   Timeless terracotta ‘Umber’ has a
           the art of minimalism and embracing the   To launch the Ukiyo offering, and   special charisma, warm and very
           present, Ukiyo – which means ‘to live in the   provide  a  comprehensive  colour  palette   attached to the earth, and closely
           moment’ – is designed to awaken the senses   that works both independently and   connected to nature.
           and evoke a feeling of harmonious wellness.  together, Afshar hand-selected five   •   Intricate ‘Rem’ has fine brown and
             ‘Playing with texture is timeless, and it   existing Dekton® colourways.  grey veining and hints of gold under
           is so important in all materials, not just                               a subtle grain.         dw
           fabric,’ said Claudia Afshar. ‘I have always   •   Dark-grey ‘Bromo’, inspired by
           been inspired by the materials found in   homogeneous metamorphic rocks

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