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a total of 914 square metres, is given
a new lease on life, by adapting to the
requirements of modern upmarket living.
List of professionals and companies
• Architect: Mellet & Human
Architects CC
• Interior Design: Studio 8
• Contractor: Prestige Builders (Pty)
• Structural Engineer: CJG Le Roux
Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd
• Developer: Swapri Projects (Pty) Ltd
• Landscape Architect: JJ Hosten
provided towards the Union Buildings. their former glory. Uniquely detailed and Landscape Architect
A borehole and automated irrigation functional fireplaces in the library, lounge, • Landscape Installer: The Garden
system were added for cost effective and TV room are all retained. Group
easy maintenance of the professionally The existing kitchen was extended to • Swimming Pool: Penguin Pools
landscaped garden. the south, with glass sliding doors leading dw
On the southern side of the house, the onto a breakfast patio, and terraced
steep unusable slope towards Edward vegetable and herb garden. A light tower
Street was terraced with retaining walls, was incorporated in the kitchen extension,
creating a herb and vegetable garden, with opening up vertical southern views, and
additional outdoor seating areas. Existing to provide northern light into the kitchen.
trees were kept as far as possible in the On first floor where the three existing
newly landscaped and irrigated garden. bedrooms were to be extended to five en-
The new entrance gate provides access suite bedrooms, the architects realised
to the guest parking courtyard, and new a lot of floor space was lost due to the
double garage linked to the entrance intricate roof design. Using this space
foyer. A water feature provides a focal however required intricate architectural
point, and another re-used steel pergola and structural design. Extensions are
shades the two guest parking bays. expressed externally as modern glass
Additional secondary parking is provided boxes, bringing in natural light, and views
underneath the pool pavilion on the lower to the outside. New electrically operated
ground floor which is accessible from a skylights provide natural sunlight to the
secondary entrance driveway. centrally positioned TV lounge, double
Lower ground floor also provides space volume staircase and internal passage.
for a possible gymnasium, home theatre, Internally dark face brick walls are
or games room. Additionally a main plastered and painted, for a lighter
laundry is provided on lower ground interior. Externally existing face brick
floor, as well as private domestic quarters walls are also plastered, as indicated on
with kitchen facility. the original construction drawings. The
Ground floor main living areas distinctive original gabled roof windows
consisting of a grand entrance foyer with on the western street elevation are
exceptional curved wooden staircase, reminiscent of the past.
lounge, dining room, library, and 302 Edward Street, has, through the
TV lounge were mostly refurbished. client’s vision and the architect’s design
Exceptional Master crafted solid kiaat solution, been restored, rejuvenated, and
doors, window frames; wood panelling, reimagined. History is acknowledged, and
beams, and shelving were all restored to the landmark residence, now measuring
dw • Issue 273 19