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Klaus Scherübel, Jack Torrance’s All Work and No Play, 2006-2008
                                                Book, embossed cloth binding, dust jacket, approx 600 pages, 28,5 × 23 × 6 cm

                                              unique details of different manufacturers,   are welcome.
             Klaus Scherübel, Jack Torrance’s All Work   and the distinguishing characteristics   Date: March 2 2024, 6 p.m. to 1 a.m.
                     and No Play #23, 2006-2008,
                Pigment ink print on paper, framing  of serif and sans-serif type design. As
                     Photo credit: Michel Brunelle  a graphic designer, Maggs was very   Guided tours of the exhibitions for
                                              interested in the history of typography   groups
                                              and collected numerous examples of   Offered at all times free of charge.
                                              graphic design and type specimen books.   Reservations are required via the email
           of the most influential designers today.   He brought many of his design skills to his   address
           In 2020, she was given the opportunity to   art, producing many works that were either
           transform the whole Museum Angewandte   strictly typographic, such as The Complete   Partners
           Kunst in Frankfurt (Germany) into one   Prestige Jazz Series, or showcased graphic   •   Conseil des arts et des lettres du
           colossal and highly immersive graphic   designs from the past that evoked social,   Québec
           world, her world, a culmination of her   cultural, or industrial histories.  •   UQAM | École de design
           experience and expertise. The result   Remarkable works by artist and editor   •   Institut Goethe Montréal
           was an exceedingly sophisticated game   Klaus Scherübel stand at an ambivalent   •   MP Repro
           of ever-new interrelationships between   position at the frontier between conceptual   •   v2com
           information and  imagery: playing with   art and visual experimental writing form,
           superimposition,  three-dimensionality,  layering multiple modern and modernist   ART + TYPO at VOX centre de l’image
           and spatiality, and drawing inspiration   paradigms. In his works, which are often   contemporaine
           from a wide variety of materials and   textual using a diversity of media such as   Dates: February 23 to June 22 2024
           media. These theatrical installations   photography, video, paint, installation,   Opening night: February 22 at 5 p.m.
           reflect Lenz’s process-driven design   publication, and exhibition, Scherübel   Artists: Joi T. Arcand, Matt Donovan and
           practice, which—rather than turning the   questions the artistic activity, his   Hallie Siegel, Robert Fones, Hamlet
           viewers into consumers—offers us an   representations, his production conditions,   Lavastida, Kelly Mark, Judith Poirier,
           opportunity to become participants in the   as well as reception. In reference to a book   Allen Ruppersberg, Charles Sandison,
           inventive play with type, colour, graphics,   in multiple components, his achievements   karen elaine spencer, David Tomas
           photography, and film animation etc.  are now organised in ‘’volumes’’ including
             Originally a graphic designer,  Arnaud   the production of artworks, as well as   Technical sheet
           Maggs was interested in the subtle   specific interventions, exhibitions, or   •   Dates: From February 22 to April 14
           differences between similar things. This   publications.                 2024
           interest led him to take sequential frontal                          •   Opening  night:  Wednesday,
           and profile photographs of friends and   Activities at the UQAM Centre de design  February 21 at 6 p.m. Free Entry.
           people he admired, build a collection of   Nuit blanche à Montréal   •   Curators: Angela Grauerholz and
           white porcelain jugs, and photograph   As part of the exhibition ART +   Robert Fones
           Parisian hotel signs in 1991. The subtle   TYPO, night owls can participate in a   •   Photo credit: Angela Grauerholz dw
           differences between things within each   playful workshop for free on the theme of
           category revealed the passage of time, the   typography and art. Families and children

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