Page 20 - Designing Ways 278
P. 20


                Purple Garden


              A New Regional Style
                   for Hangzhou

              ocated nearby Hangzhou’s famed
                West Lake within China’s Zhejiang
           LProvince,    the  Lotus  Garden
           Restaurant is a restaurant focused on
           serving exceptional Hunan-style cuisine
           in a refined atmosphere.
             The project site’s ground level was originally
           below that of the adjacent office buildings,
           resulting in water from the surrounding area
           flooding the site on rainy days.   colourful koi  fish  to  create  an  oasis-like   as well as bringing an immersive feeling
             Taking into account the client’s   ambience away from the hustle and bustle   of nature. A modest tea drinking area in
           enthusiasm for traditional Chinese   of the city.                    the courtyard provides a place for office
           gardens, LDP’s lead Designer Lei Jian took                           workers and restaurant visitors to sip
           inspiration from famed Ming Dynasty   Courtyard Landscape            beverages, relax, and socialise.
           gardens in the Jiangnan style, adapting   The project occupies a T-shaped site   A century-old camphor tree adds a
           their elements into a contemporary design   with an external area of 1,350 square   distinguished presence to the centre of
           aesthetic. This can be seen in the project’s   metres and an internal area of 700 square   the site. The designer has set up a long,
           materials palette, as well as the careful   metres. The designer has created four   narrow path with two rows of bamboo
           attention to visual lines of movement and   distinct spaces within the outdoor portion   planted to lean inwards, as if to welcome
           the  coordinated  contrasts  between light   of the site: the entrance courtyard, a rest   guests by bowing courteously.
           and shadow throughout. The design also   area in the shade of a tree, a set of terraced   A tall doorway within a white walled
           incorporates a courtyard pond which   steps, and the lotus pond.     enclosure topped with black ceramic
           conveniently integrates the problem of   A tall illuminated bamboo fence creates   roof tiles forms the entrance to the inner
           excess water on the site. It is planted with   a visual barrier between the restaurant’s   courtyard. A set of staggered, terraced
           abundant lotus flowers and stocked with   administration area and a small courtyard,   steps  naturally ensure  an atmosphere

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