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of privacy, while also creating a relaxed   For people in China, living close   atmosphere recalling traditional Jiangnan-
           descent full  of visual  variety.  The  lotus   to water has been associated with the   style aesthetics, while the soft green and
           pond is located at the bottom of the steps,   pursuit of a better life since ancient times.   blue-purple palette refer to the colours of
           providing a delightful surprise, with its   Accordingly, the restaurant has integrated   midsummer lotus leaves and the celebrated
           gently rising mist and abundant lotus   water  and  lotus-themed  elements  blue lotus flower. Here, the famous
           plants welcoming every visitor.    throughout its various spaces.    Song Dynasty paintings Eight Views of
                                               The design has been carefully arranged   Xiaoxiang are also a source of inspiration,
           A Feast Amongst the Lotus          for private dining rooms to be placed   integrated into the eight private dining
             Hangzhou is known throughout China   adjacent to the lotus pond – each   spaces through a series of carefully
           and the world for its West Lake, whose   reminiscent of an elegant, secluded space   positioned  scroll  paintings,  framed
           scenic beauty has been defined by the   with a clear view of the famed lake. With   calligraphy, and silk-wrapped screens
           abundant lotus flowers which grow in its   tall ceilings retaining the shape of the   with  gold-leaf  background  surfaces. The
           waters. The poetic appeal of their large,   original building’s sloped roof, the private   ambience of delicate richness in these
           translucent petals blooming in the heat of   rooms cultivate an elegant, open ambience,   dining spaces brings the cultivated world
           summer and withering in the winter has   accented by walls finished with dyed silk.   of  imperial-era  elegance  to  life,  updating
           attracted visitors for generations.   The smooth, light texture of silk lends an   and  integrating  it  with  contemporary

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