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             Innovative Spatial

                Planning and

            Progressive Design

                 Capture the

               Vibrant Essence

               of Marylebone

            London, United Kingdom

                 he BoTree, a new luxury hotel   designed by emphasising craftsmanship,   are placed throughout the lobby, inspired
                 in London, opened its doors to   consciousness of nature, and the unique   by the vibrance of Marylebone Lane.
           Tguests in September 2023 and has   floral-infused lifestyle of Marylebone.  The lobby evokes the feeling of a
           now finalised its welcoming lobby and                                contemporary conservatory. Wooden
           The BoTree bar.                    The Lobby: A serene contemporary   fins, spanning from floor across the
             Located where Marylebone, Mayfair,   conservatory                  ceiling,  are arrayed along  a curved  line,
           and Soho meet, The BoTree captures the   Guests enter the lobby and are   creating a natural flow through different
           village-like atmosphere of Marylebone   welcomed into a warm and luxurious   zones. The unique wooden ceiling adds
           Lane,  the  chic  of  Mayfair,  and  the   space. The neighbourhood-like feeling   an extra touch of natural warmth and
           originality of Soho. The “Life on the Lane”   is maintained in the lobby thanks to a   showcases  the  unique craftmanship  that
           is brought into the hotel and bar, thanks to   personal, individual approach to check-  went into creating this space. The strategic
           the thoughtful design that guides guests   in: guests can check in accompanied by a   use of amber-toned swivelling glass panels
           through a journey that extends the very   member of The BoTree whilst comfortably   between the vertical fins around the
           essence of the street into the heart of the   sitting on one of the couches in the lobby.   lifts establishes a sense of intimacy and
           hotel. Marylebone is stylish and elegant,   The seating area is designed to feel more   connection.  The glass panels contribute
           yet different from other high-end districts   residential than hotel-like, with plenty of   to the cosy ambiance through their warm
           due to its close-knit community feeling.  plants and comfortable seating options   hue, while their ability to pivot introduces
             To realise the vision of “bringing the   that invite guests to relax and unwind.   an element of functional flexibility and
           lane  into  the  building”,  The  BoTree  is   Flower arrangements and luscious plants   playfulness.
                                                                                  The lobby's colour scheme incorporates
                                                                                warm greens, cognacs, and reds, which
                                                                                complement the natural materials and
                                                                                add  a  cosy  touch  to  the  space.  Couches
                                                                                and leather poufs in natural tones are
                                                                                combined  with colourful  styling  and
                                                                                design classics.  The  back-lit shelves,
                                                                                wrapped around the central column, shed
                                                                                a warm lantern-like glow into the lobby
                                                                                space. At the round credenza bar, guests
                                                                                are offered a welcome drink or local teas.
                                                                                  A custom-made, swivelling installation
                                                                                in the entrance of the hotel enhances the
                                                                                transformative character  of  The  BoTree
                                                                                spaces. This innovative display and
                                                                                welcome piece spans the entire expanse of
                                                                                a wall, capturing the attention of guests as
                                                                                soon as they walk in.
                                                                                  Adapting to different times of the day
                                                                                or season, the space creates surprising and
                                                                                dynamic experiences for guests each time

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