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               Hotel & Lodges

                by Stienie Greyling

                 here is a healthy increase in
                 hospitality and tourism around
           Tthe world.
             Over the past two years, the industry’s
           biggest challenge has not been attracting
           customers, but rather finding and
           retaining staff. To address this issue,
           many hotel groups have begun to make   Experiential design can also allow
           improvements.                      customers to taste food in a multi-sensory
             Today, many hotels offer their staff free
           or low-cost accommodation, increased   environment that stimulates all the senses,
                                              not just the taste buds. Some hotels
           wages and reduced peak-time working   have started to provide experiences on
           hours. They also invest in training   a smaller and more dynamic scale. They
           programmes to motivate staff and allow   offer four-hand dinners, organise kitchen
           mobility up the corporate ladder.  parties or have a front-cooking area.
             Empowered employees not  only  have
           a positive impact on how guests feel and   Bars and drinks redefined.
           their  decision  to  become  repeat  guests,   Today’s bars need to stand out by
           but  also  help  attract other  employees  to   offering unique drinks with a special
           build a cohesive, high-quality workforce.
                                              great atmosphere to create an enjoyable
                                              experience for their customers.
           Culinary experiences.               Gone are the days of a simple wine list
             The desire to experience rather than   and international beer and spirit brands.
           simply consume means that experiential   Bars and restaurants need to specialise
           dining  has  today  evolved  in  new  ways.     and cater to an international clientèle with
           Hotels are now required to offer a range   evolving  tastes.  A  dedicated  beer  menu
           of dining options to cater to different   with local craft beers, wines from specific
           customer tastes and when correctly   vintages and special character with a
           done, can become a culinary destination   narrative, wide-ranging spirits collections
           where the restaurant is at the heart of the   and fresh locally sourced juices are what
           experience and not just an extension of   customer want.
           the hotel.

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