Page 36 - Designing Ways 280
P. 36


             Eurolux welcomes

             the new lightbulb


                  ave you heard about the new
                  legislation that came into effect
           Hin May this year, governing the
           import of lightbulbs?               Part of the new law is that a lightbulb   should not be available in South Africa.
             Until now there has been no standard   must retain its advertised brightness level   This will last for two years, after which the
           minimum efficacy requirement on light   – the lumens value indicated on the box -   even stricter specification of 105 lumens
           bulb imports, which means you could   for the full lifetime, whether it is 15000 or   per watt will apply.
           easily buy lightbulbs that are exceptionally   25000 hours, and will not dim with age,
           inefficient - they may burn brightly but   which often happens.        Certain  specialised  lightbulbs  will
           the wattage consumption is high, so they                             be exempted from the new efficiency
           use much more power than necessary.   The  new  minimum  Rated  Efficacy   rating, such as colour lightbulbs and heat
             They often are of an inferior quality and   requirement works as follows:   lightbulbs, in which case these packs will
           pose heat and safety risks.         Efficiency refers to energy usage of a   need to clearly feature a statement to
             In fact, the South African market   lightbulb – so the light it provides relative   confirm that the lightbulb is ‘not intended
           is flooded with lightbulbs which will   to the power it consumes.    for general illumination purposes’.
           not stand up to scrutiny for safety and   Light  is  measured  in  LUMENS  and
           longevity, are potentially harmful and   power in WATTS.             What can customers expect?
           highly inefficient, chewing through   For any given lightbulb, by dividing the   The switch will be smooth and simple:
           consumers’ power at a time we can ill   lumens output by the watts rating we get   All the regular-shaped CFL and Halogen
           afford to waste electricity.       the lumen per watt rating.        lightbulbs that have been available up
                                                                                to  now will  be  easily  replaceable  with
           What does it mean to consumers?    Example: a 540 lumen, 6W A60 spec   an LED alternative, right through to the
             The new legislation is a game changer -   lightbulb works out as follows:  vintage look carbon filaments, which are
           it ensures that South Africa’s standards are   540 lumens divided by  6  watts = 90   already available in LED filament and
           aligned with international markets and   lumens per watt             beautiful amber shades.
           that all imported lightbulbs are efficient,
           safer and meet the minimum efficacy   What this means for consumers is that   Eurolux  has  been  a  lighting  supplier
           requirement to be legally imported.  a year from now any lightbulb that does   for over 30 years, and currently services
                                              not meet the new specification of 90lm/W   4,000 stores in Southern Africa, including
                                                                                retailers, wholesalers and many online
                                                                                retailers.                  dw


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