Page 42 - Designing Ways 281
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                             Find the perfect lighting for your bedroom

                                                       by Eurolux

                 our bedroom is more than just a   Bedside lamps are a must for most   By carefully considering your lighting
                 place to sleep – it’s your sanctuary,   bedrooms, but if you're short on space or   options,  you  can  create  a  bedroom  that
           Ywhere you unwind, relax, and      your bedside tables are already cluttered,   is both functional and relaxing, perfectly
           start and end your day. It follows then,   wall sconces on either side of the bed are a   suited to your needs at any time of day.
           that the right lighting can significantly   stylish and practical alternative.  For  inspiration  check  out  our  newest
           impact how you feel in this space. For a                             arrivals on our website. Eurolux has been
           balanced approach, consider installing a   Colour warmth and layering your   a lighting supplier for over 30 years, and
           dimmer switch. This allows you to have   lighting                    currently services 4,000 stores in Southern
           bright light when you need it for tasks like   When selecting lights for your   Africa, including retailers, wholesalers
           getting ready in the morning, while also   bedroom, it's important to be mindful   and many online retailers.  dw
           giving you the option to dim the lights   of  the  type  of  bulbs  you  use.  Cooler
           when it's time to relax before bed.  light bulbs can promote alertness, which
                                              isn't ideal when you're trying to wind
           Your bedroom size and style play a part   down. Instead, opt for warmer bulbs,
           in influencing your lighting choices  as  they  won't  interfere  with  your  body's
             The size and décor of your bedroom   melatonin production and will help create
           play a significant role in determining the   a calming atmosphere.
           type of lighting that will work best. If you   Layering your lighting is another key
           have a smaller bedroom with low ceilings,   aspect. Your bedroom should have a
           recessed lighting or flush mount ceiling   combination of task lighting, ambient
           lights are ideal—they provide ample light   lighting, and accent lighting to create a
           without taking up visual space. On the other   well-rounded and functional space. Also,
           hand, if your bedroom is larger with high   be cautious with opaque lampshades
           ceilings, you have more flexibility. Consider   next to your bed—they can create
           installing pendants, semi-flush mounts, or   an uncomfortable glare when turned
           even chandeliers to add a touch of elegance   on at night, disrupting the peaceful
           and make the space feel grander.   environment you're trying to achieve.

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