Page 44 - Designing Ways 281
P. 44



                by Stienie Greyling

                 bathroom  is  a  room  in which
                 people wash their bodies or parts
                 of their bodies. It can contain
           one or more of the following plumbing
           fixtures: a shower, a bathtub, a bidet, and
           a washbasin. The inclusion of a toilet is
             A bath as an institution has a long
           history.  Writings  from  ancient biblical
           and other sources mention baths.
           Architectural remains from ancient Egypt
           indicate the Greeks of classical antiquity
           thought the bath important.  Roman baths   Heated towel rails
           featuring a combination of steaming,
           cleaning and massage appeared wherever
           the Romans made conquests.         like  wood  and stone,  these  colours  can
             Modern baths have taken many forms.     transform a bathroom into an oasis of calm.  The mirror area with two sources of light
           In some cases they have combined    Bathroom lighting should be uniform
           features from many types of older baths,   and bright and must minimise glare.
           including the Turkish bath and the   For all activities like shaving, showering,
           Oriental tub bath.                 grooming, etc. one must ensure equitable
             Electrical  appliances, such as lights,   lighting across the entire bathroom space.
           heaters and heated towel rails, generally   The mirror area should have at least two
           need to be installed as fixtures, with   sources of light at least one meter apart
           permanent connections rather than plugs   to eliminate any shadows on the face.
           and  sockets.  This  minimises  the  risk  of   Ceiling and wall lights must be safe for
           electric shock.                    use in a bathroom, (electrical parts need
             Earth tones are making a subtle splash in   to  be  splash  proof),  and therefore  must
           bathroom colours. Indulge in rich browns,   carry appropriate certification.
           burnt orange, or muted greens to mimic   Customers are placing increasing
           nature’s serenity. Next to organic materials,   priority on products and design that

                                                                         Indulge in rich
                                                                       browns, burnt orange
                                                                       & organic materials,
                                                                       like wood and stone

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