Page 16 - Designing Ways 282
P. 16


                  Living It Up

                  In The City

                   The Menssink

                 Penthouse Story
              Author: CHRISTOPHER

                      DE BOD

                s a  n interior designer, I am always
                 on the lookout for inspiration,
           Aideas and just fabulous stuff that
           inspires me. That is how I came to know
           about  the  Menssink  Penthouse  project.
           While checking my Instagram feed one
           evening in February, my attention was
           captured by a video which popped up on
           my feed of a young lady sharing a walk-
           through video of the two-week progress
           of their renovation project. I was first
           intrigued  by  the  beautiful  views  from
           the apartment’s large windows. Then I
           realised that the iconic Union Buildings
           in Pretoria were on their doorstep and my
           heart was stolen. I immediately followed
           the account daily to see if there were
           any updates. With urban or city living   graduating. Her work at Elevate Studios   The couple purchased their first home
           amongst young professionals it is quite   hits the sweet spot between design and   together in Sinoville, then moved to another
           the norm in places such as Cape Town,   her love of working with people.  home in Rietondale while renting out the
           but is less so in Pretoria. After following   After working as a pastor at Hillsong   Sinoville apartment. After a while in this
           the entire process, I had to understand   Church for ten years, while chasing   home, they found a beautiful apartment
           the psychology behind the project. That   his passion for art and working on   in Villieria which they purchased and
           is how I got to sit down with Simon and   commissions  and  orders  from  interior   renovated. Their connection to the city
           Anna-Lize on a sunny afternoon in late   designers and decorators, Simon has   however was never lost. In 2020, Simon had
           April to learn about their story.  taken  a year to  follow his  dreams and   a dream that he was living in the penthouse
             Born in Pretoria the second oldest   passion for fine art, music, and, as it   of a skyscraper in Pretoria CBD. He woke
           of four daughters, Anna-Lize went on   worked out during the penthouse, a   up and immediately started searching for
           to study Information Design at the   passion for creating beautiful spaces.  penthouses to purchase in the city. They
           University of  Pretoria. Simon,  born   The couple fell in love with Pretoria   viewed many penthouses around the city
           in  Kempton  Park  and  growing  up  in   while studying at the University of   before viewing this specific one in 2020,
           Pretoria East, is one of four brothers, also   Pretoria and always yearned to live in the   and fell in love with it immediately. With
           attended the University of Pretoria where   city. They shared a love of old buildings   the largest footprint of all the apartments
           he studied Fine Arts. This is where they   and  period architecture.  A trip  to New   they had viewed at 180 square metres,
           initially met before he left for New York   York last year reignited their desire to   the balcony at 60 square metres alone,
           for a couple of months. After his return   live in a penthouse apartment in the   and the views from the apartment were a
           they reconnected and eventually started   Pretoria CBD. Anna-Lize’s self-confessed   key influencer in their decision that this
           dating. It wasn’t long before wedding bells   obsession  for  the  city  inspired  her  to   was the one for them. The asking price,
           filled the air when they married nine years   create a photo journal of city living and   however, was beyond their budget and
           ago in Anna-Lize’s final year of studies, a   people in the city while at university,   with consideration of the amount of work
           few  days  before  both  of  their  birthdays   which she shared with me during our   that the property needed, they made an
           which are a day apart from each other.  interview. This beautiful book contains   offer lower than what the seller was asking,
             Anna-Lize, always knew that a nine-to-  the most striking photographs that she   and their offer was rejected. This, however,
           five job at a corporate or agency was never   took in and around the city. Their journey   did not deter them and they knew that the
           going to work for her, so she co-founded   however has taken them on a more scenic   right place would come along at the right
           Elevate Studios with her sister right after   route to this destination.  time.

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