Page 17 - Designing Ways 282
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In 2022 the apartment next door, the
           now famous Menssink Penthouse became
           available to purchase, which they viewed,
           but there was no fireworks for them, and
           their sights became set on 1101 again.
           After Anna-Lize tracked down the owner
           on  social  media,  they  reached  out  to
           him again and initiated discussions to
           purchase the property, which had not
           sold by then. He indicated his willingness
           to discuss as there was a chance that he
           would move to America. In May 2023
           he confirmed that he was willing to sell.
           Anna-Lize and Simon offered him only
           twenty  five thousand Rand more than
           their original offer and he accepted it.
           They were now owners of a penthouse
           apartment in Pretoria, but they had a lot
           of work to do.
             When asked to describe the apartment
           when they bought it, Anna-Lize and
           Simon jokingly refer to the apartment as
           giving “crack house vibes”. The apartment
           had been operated as a commune
           previously, but little of the original spaces
           and  furniture  were  salvageable. Their
           interest in their project had already
           started growing by Anna-Lize sharing
           footage of the apartment on her Instagram
           account, with followers commenting that
           they had been at parties in the apartment.
           It notoriously had a reputation of being
           a party hub. The last tenant to leave the
           apartment after they purchased it even
           posted on his WhatsApp story that club
           1101 had officially closed.
             When  chatting about the  inspiration
           and vision for their new home, the first
           mention was New York City with a specific   process invaluable in the long run, as   that this was a far cry from their first
           mention of Manhattan. “New spaces   being able to play around like this actually   renovation project in Villieria, where they
           in old places” said Simon. The couple   informed some of the bolder decisions in   made their decisions based on measuring
           shared that they knew that they wanted   the design. For example, while playing   things and taping them off on the floor to
           a minimalist, contemporary design with   around with the colour of the overhead   see if they would work or if the furniture
           clean fresh lines, and that the kitchen had   beam that spans the ceiling in the living   would fit.
           to move from its original small space at   area, his decision to paint that black led   Earlier on the day we light heartedly
           the front door to the new larger area that   them to decide on the black kitchen. The   discussed that  the  general  assumption
           they  had  earmarked  as  the  living  space.   visuals of the patio area which they were   was that Anna-Lize was the creative mind
           They consulted with their contractor to   planning to cover with a roofing structure   behind the design of the home, whereas
           understand what the possibilities and   led them to decide that only a third of   Simon’s creativity and artistic flair has
           options were from an internal layout   the roof should be covered with a solid   driven the design process, and Anna-
           change perspective, and allowed this   material and the rest with a clear material   Lize using her championship shopping
           valuable feedback to lead their decision   to allow more light into the home.  skills  and  nose  for  a  bargain  to  secure
           making with regards to area allocation   They  managed  to  complete  an  entire   best pricing on furniture, décor items and
           and functionality.                 plan with visuals before they chipped the   materials, allowed them to achieve a lot
             Armed with this information, Simon   first brick. Simon further explained this   more with the budget that they had set
           set about designing and modelling the   was important for them to ensure that what   aside for the project.
           space. Taking this approach allowed them   they saw was exactly what the contractor   Tiles, taps, baths, vanities and the
           to play around with various concepts   saw, to avoid any costly mistakes that   like were all shopped on Black Friday
           and ideas and explore colour palettes,   can arise with miscommunication on a   Deals. With the increasing sensation of
           finishes and treatments. They found this   renovation project. Anna-Lize explained   their project attracting attention, they

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