Page 22 - Designing Ways 282
P. 22


                 Blooming Moments:

               An Illustration of Design

                   as the Creation of

                    Significant Forms
                                                           Siyun Xue
                   Iowa City, United States                Photo credit: Yi Dong

               iyun Xue proudly launches Blooming   “Blooming Moments was designed with   of  each  piece  in  the  collection,  Xue’s
               Moments, an elegantly simple   that spirit at its core,” says Siyun Xue. “My   design goal is to achieve harmony among
           Shome décor collection comprising   design approach resonates most closely   them, while ensuring that each conveys
           a bowl, candle holder, and vase. Beyond   with Suzanne Langer's interpretation,   emotions with subtle differences.
           its significance as an industrial design   and  I  endeavoured  to  go  beyond  mere
           work, Blooming Moments also serves   functionality to convey calm portrayals of   The simplicity of elegant design
           as a statement of Xue's design approach   feeling, rather than outpourings of it.”  The conceived forms are realised with
           as a process of conceiving and realising                             slotted bent steel sheets and CNC-crafted
           significant forms.                 Unique conceptual forms           black walnut wood. In each piece of the
                                               Inspired by various stages of flowering,   collection, the steel sheet is sandwiched
           The spirit of Xue’s design         Blooming Moments is a translation of Xue’s   between two wooden pieces  securely
             Xue conceives and realises functional   inspiration in the form of curves that abstract   bonded together, without the use of any
           objects with  ‘significant  forms’, drawing   the contours of petals and water lily leaves.   hardware. This fabrication process validates
           terminology introduced by art critic Clive   Through those design curves, Xue conveys a   the potential of slot bending and adhesive
           Bell in 1914 in reference to the quality that   sense of buoyant yet gentle vitality.  bonding techniques in form creation.
           distinguishes art from mere artifacts. In   Although all three pieces of the   The Blooming Moments collection not
           her 1942 book Philosophy in a New Key,   collection share the same inspiration,   only showcases the refined elegance of
           author Susanne Langer further interprets   each object is uniquely designed with   functional home décor, but also embodies
           the significant form as one that articulates   different methods of folding surfaces into   Xue's  dedication  to  exploring  the  depth
           complexes of feeling.              petal-like shapes. Despite the uniqueness   of significant forms. Through a blend of

                                The Blooming Moments Collection 1  The Blooming Moments Collection 2
                                         Photo credit: Siyun Xue  Photo credit: Siyun Xue

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