Page 19 - Designing Ways 282
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their intended destination, and the design
           had to be reworked to a four panel system.
           “Always check your access!” exclaimed
             “Now that the project is completed, how
           does your home make you feel when you
           walk in?”, I asked them. “You should come
           see it at night!” Anna-Lize immediately
           answered. “I feel alive.” She went on to say.
           Sometimes working late at night, she often
           looks out from the balcony and notices
           other apartments where the lights are still
           on and takes comfort in knowing that
           she is not alone. Their block is filled with
           people and families from young to old
           and professionals to students. Everyone
           with a friendly smile and kind gesture.
             Even the area, which may be considered
           by many as dangerous, is a hive of activity.
           Having  recently watched  a  Sundowns
           game at the stadium, they noted while
           walking home at midnight the bustle of
           the city, “This really makes me feel like I
           am living,” stated Anna-Lize. Simon points
           out that there is so much happening in the
           area with a new Woolies opening on the
           next corner and a new Plato Coffee which
           had recently opened. While on a three-  state of the building and grounds, they   that they would be in a good position
           week trip to the UK recently, they could   advise. Simon confirms that the first thing   to make a reasonable profit should they
           not wait to get home to their apartment.  he looks at is the lawns to check if they   decide to sell the property.
             With Anna-Lize racking up nearly nine   are maintained. Anna-Lize reiterates the   The future looks bright for this
           thousand  followers  on  her  Instagram   importance of a good Body Corporate   dynamic, energetic couple with a passion
           account by sharing their journey, they   with good financials.       for creativity and designing beautiful
           have had contact from some people who   When asked if this is their forever   spaces. They pair their strengths well and
           love their style and dynamic asking them   home, they explained they are working   work brilliantly as a team. Simon said that
           to please assist them with their projects.   according to a plan to support their   when they work together as a team, one
           With Simon’s newfound love for this   strategy of owning thirty properties by the   plus one equals three. And this can be
           process, he is happy to jump in and give it   time they are fifty. It’s called their 30X50   seen in the result of this amazing project
           the Simon Menssink treatment.      plan and in order for them to achieve this,   that they took on together, resulting in a
             Circling back to their other properties,   they would move around every two years.   beautiful space on top of an old building
           Anna-Lize and Simon explain that while   Although for  time  being, they are  still   in  a  city  that  is  almost  forgotten  to  the
           in their first home they realised that   totally in love with their new home and   masses that have moved out to the
           they could purchase a property, more   any thought of moving on to the next one,   suburbs.
           specifically apartments in good well-  although there, is on the back burner for   Their love for each other and passion
           maintained blocks in Pretoria at good   the time being.              for life and art and travel is inspirational
           rates and earn a reasonable income from   I always approach the financials of a   and will serve them well on their path to
           renting them. This is what set them on   project cautiously. This young energetic   success in the future. But right now, they
           this path of purchasing a property, fixing   couple, however, are happy to share that   are living in the moment and appreciating
           what is needed and then renting it out   their final spend on the purchase of the   all the blessings that are afforded to them.
           while moving onto the next project.  property and the renovation came in at   Like and follow their Instagram
             When asked what advice they have for   R1.2m, only R50k over their budgeted   accounts  @annalizemenssink  and
           people looking at getting into this sort of   amount. Having been able to spend   @simonmenssink to watch the videos of
           process, they both agreed that there is so   time with them in their beautiful home,   the project and connect with them. Check
           much to consider and to look out for. The   I can confirm that the spend was well   out Simon’s website
           first consideration however is that one   worth  every  penny and  looking at  the   to see and purchase his amazing art. Also
           should never purchase in a block or area   comparable figures for the area, a great   go to to learn more
           that you would not be prepared to stay   investment. With an astute mind for   about Anna-Lize’s services.
           in yourself. Always check the financials   managing the pennies, Anna-Lize has run
           of the Body Corporate and check the   the numbers and they are comfortable

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