Page 29 - Designing Ways 274
P. 29

Why are textures interesting?     bowl and table.  A painting shows texture
                                               They can affect the mood created by   with obvious brush strokes, like in the
                                              the space.  Smooth textures can add an air   grass, the clothing and sky.
                                              of either calm or beautiful functionality,
                                              whilst rough textures can add intimacy   What are the benefits of textures?
                                              and cosiness.  By cleverly placing two or   By interacting with different textures,
                                              more things side by side,  one can balance   children can further develop their
                                              a room perfectly whilst showcasing the   understanding of the world around them.
                                              feature items.                    They can touch, interpret and engage
                                                                                with objects, and in turn, learn how to
           How does texture help design?      How important is texture in art?  communicate and share their experience
             Texture in graphic design is meant to   Artists can use texture to help guide a   of them. Learning through texture also
           create illusions by altering the feel and   viewer’s eye through a work of art.  They   helps to strengthen a child’s motor
           look of an image.  Using texture correctly,   can use smooth or rough textures in   skills. For  instance,  gripping, holding,
           a graphic designer can create compelling   different areas to either draw attention   squeezing, stacking, poking,  pouring  or
           designs by adding an extra layer of   or ignore different aspects of their   scooping items of various textures helps
           meaning to graphic design.         composition.  Texture is one of the many   children strengthen the muscles in their
                                              elements an artist can use to construct a   body.  It also helps them to gain better
                                              work of art.                      fine motor control as different amounts
                                                                                of pressure and skilfulness are required
                                              How do artists use texture?       for items that are slippery, soft, hard or
                                               Texture is an artistic element artists   sticky. By experiencing, analysing and
                                              use  to  depict  depth  and  dimension. A   describing different textures, children
                                              painting shows the element of texture,   also work on their attention, observation
                                              with smooth brush strokes on the soft    and concentration skills.  dw
                                              flowers and short rough strokes for the

                                                                                                    dw • Issue 274   29
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