Page 28 - Designing Ways 274
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                More Textures

                by Stienie Greyling

                  ave you ever had a splinter from
                  a rough piece of wood?
           H Did you snuggle with your
           favourite baby blanket or stuffed toy as a
             Textures are all around us: gravel paths,
           tree bark, bricks, cat fur, a soft blanket or
           a stone wall.  Textures add variety, interest
           and contrast to objects, art and even
           buildings – outside and inside.  There
           are three groups of texture: tactile, visual
           and audible.  Tactile texture is the feel of
           a material to human touch. Visual texture
           affect how an object or room looks, and
           audible texture affects how an object
           or room sounds.  Texture can be very
           important, especially for people who are
           blind and rely on their sense of touch to
           identify things.
             Depending on the surfaces of materials
           used, sounds in a room can be increased
           (made  louder)  or  dampened (made   and visual interest to the space, creating a   What are the importance of textures?
           softer). Audible textures also refers to how   sensory experience.     A  texture is  associated  with  a  sense
           surfaces sound when rubbed.                                          of feel, which draws all the viewers’
             In 2024, texture will take centre stage in   What are some examples of texture?  physical and mental attention to the
           interior design trends.  In the same room,   Texture is what is felt by touch.  Some   graphics.  This means adding it to
           expect to see a mix of tactile materials   common textures are rough, smooth,   graphic  designs  can  relay  a  particular
           such a plush velvet, rough stone and   bumpy, slick, scratchy, silky, prickly,   message and inspire desirable emotions
           smooth metal.  These textures add depth   round, rigid, hard and soft.  to your target clients.

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