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                                       How sweet can yellow taste?

                                                     by Ambiente

                 olours determine our everyday life,   exclusively for Ambiente, entitled "The   analysing  the  responses  from  several
                 influence our mood or affect our   power of colour: a survey on how coloured   hundred  international  respondents.
           Cfeelings. But what effect do they   tableware influences the perception of   Jozef  Youssef  will present  the  extent  to
           have on our sense of taste? Celebrity chef   food". Using an online survey, he shines a   which the coloured plates stimulate the
           Jozef Youssef is addressing this question   light on how the colour of plates affects the   appetite, influence the healthiness of the
           and conducting an exclusive survey as   perception of desserts.      food and the perception of sweetness
           part of Ambiente 2024. On Hoteliers' Day,   The celebrity chef selected three desserts   on  Hotelier's  Day at  Ambiente.  At  the
           he will share his findings with industry   that are familiar and recognisable in   HoReCa Academy, he invites industry
           participants and invite them to a get-  different cultures: Granola with fruit and   participants to the following get-together
           together with a finger food menu.  yoghurt, fruit salad with ice cream and a   with a specially designed finger food
             You eat with your eyes – the eating   slice of chocolate tart with ice cream. For   menu. "Multi-sensory experiences play a
           experience is by no means limited to the   the colourful plates he used products from   major role. It's not just about flavour, but
           sense of taste: the type of food prepared,   exhibitors. Youssef carefully prepared the   about being surprised and experiencing
           how the food is presented on the plate and   dishes, arranged them attractively on the   with all your senses. We are delighted that
           the tableware used all play a decisive role.   brightly coloured plates and photographed   Jozef Youssef is our guest at Ambiente
           Studies show that even the colours of the   them. Participants from four continents   for the second time and is conducting an
           food  can  have  a  strong  influence  on  the   were recruited for the online survey   exclusive survey on a current hospitality
           perceived taste of a dish.1 But does this effect   using a crowdsourcing tool. Based on   topic. We are very much looking forward
           also apply to the colour of the tableware?   the photos of the desserts, they rated the   to the results," explains Thomas Kastl,
           Jozef Youssef, the award-winning celebrity   colourful plates for each dish according   Director Ambiente Dining.  dw
           chef and creative force behind the design   to appetite, health and sweetness. The
           studio Kitchen Theory, conducted a survey   celebrity chef and his team are now

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