Page 24 - Designing Ways 274
P. 24


                Colour in your


                by Stienie Greyling

                 olour  is  the  visual  perception
                 of a wavelength of energy in
           Cthe  electromagnetic  spectrum.
           There are three main core receptors in the
           human eye and they naturally respond
           best to the base frequencies of red, green
           and blue. Other colours are variations
           away from these main frequencies.
             The only time we seem to notice that
           we live in a colourful world is when we
           are buying a product with various colour
           options  or  when we  are happy and in   while some colours bring good luck.  Many
           love.  As with most things in life, just   people also believe that there are appropriate   Colours come in three basic moods:
           because we don’t notice the importance   colours for particular occasions. For   active, passive and neutral.
           of something doesn’t mean others haven’t   example, the Chinese consider it bad luck to   •   Active colours are warm and create
           too.  The truth is most companies around   wear black on the first day of the Lunar Year,   a positive, confident environment.
           us understand the subtle way colours   as black symbolises death and should never   They can help in social situations
           influence people and they use this to   be worn on such occasions.       by inspiring upbeat conversations,
           manipulate our emotions, lean towards   Whether we accept it or not, the way   creativity and productivity.
           their  products,  alter  our  moods  ever   we dress communicates something about   •   Passive colours creat calm.
           so slightly. This works the other way   us. Colours affect movement of our   •   Neutral colours work as a bridge
           round  too,  we  might  find  ourselves  not   lives although most of the time colour   between the others.
           quite comfortable in our work space or   choices are done unconsciously. We all
           bedroom because we might have chosen   have a favourite colour and often wear   Basic overview of colours:
           the wrong colour scheme.           clothes  of  that  colour.    However,  these   •   Colours with respect to mood are
             Often, in some cultures, we have certain   colours are linked to our personality type,   separated into two major groups –
           beliefs or colour superstitions. People   our strength and weaknesses as well as   warm and cold colours.
           believe that certain colours bring bad luck   indicating our potential in life.  •   Warm colours are your reds, yellows,

                                                          Neutral colours

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