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set-up, furniture, equipment design and
           quality, space, temperature, ventilation,
           lighting, noise, vibration, radiation, air
           quality and comfort.

           Company culture
             Workplace culture is within the
           environment that you create for
           your employees. It is the mix of your
           organisation's  leadership,  values,
           traditions,  beliefs,  interactions,
           behaviours and attitudes that contribute to
           the emotional and relational environment
           of your workplace.

           Creative space
             Most creative spaces are immersive
           environments that provide employees
           with the necessary tools, technology and
           resources they need to generate new ideas
           and move them forward. Creative spaces
           also allow for multiple types of work to be
           done, whether it's a collaborative project
           or an individual task.

           Phase 1
             In phase 1 we assessed the advantages
           and disadvantages of open plan versus
           cellular  spaces  while  identifying  team
           zones, calculating a 30 percent growth in   space and shape, contemporary interiors   values are, how you communicate your
           five years.                        are sleek and fresh”. This is what we   product, and what you want people
                                              adopted on our approach of designing   to feel when they interact with your
           Brand Identity                     a  high  tech,  contemporary  yet  themed   company. Essentially, your brand identity
             “Fundamentally, a contemporary style   office space that was not only modern but   is the personality of your business and a
           of decorating is defined by simplicity,   functional and sophisticated.   promise to your customers.
           subtle sophistication, deliberate use of   A brand identity is made up of what   We explored different types of
           texture and clean lines. Interiors tend            your brand says,   seating  arrangements and  style as  well
           to showcase space rather than                           what your    as incorporating a variety of casual
           things.  By focusing                                                 collaboration areas.
           on colour,
                                                                                Hybrid workspaces
                                                                                  IoT.NXT  were  reaching  their  growth
                                                                                percentage  faster  than anticipated, so we
                                                                                had to incorporate a seating arrangement
                                                                                 which allowed for maximised usage of the
                                                                                  open plan and more room to grow. That
                                                                                   is when we incorporated phase 2.
                                                                                     Hybrid work changes everything
                                                                                   and people have new expectations for
                                                                                   their workplace. The offices needed to
                                                                                   adapt by  evolving and  incorporating
                                                                                   fluid work patterns.  We needed to help
                                                                                   people do their best work by creating
                                                                                   places that work better, whilst feeling
                                                                                 inspired in a themed office which best
                                                                                describes the forward thinking of IoT.

                                                                                Hybrid work
                                                                                  The  new  era  of  hybrid  work  means
                                                                                people will have choices about where to

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