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           work and, in many ways, the office must   questionnaire as well as a workspace   enters the office. Continuous lines in the
           work even harder to attract people and   assessment, we realised the need for   floor and ceiling differentiate the areas
           keep them coming back. Offices will need   growth and the need for a variety of high-  while creating a feeling of continuity. The
           to earn people’s commute by meeting   tech workspaces within IoT’s offices.  custom-made reception desk, finished
           a new set of needs, supporting hybrid                                in black stone, is designed as a feature
           work, establishing connections, createing   Reception and waiting area  element for the public eye and as a work-
           a sense of belonging and promoting well-  Welcome to the dark side.  The reception   space for the receptionist, using the B-wing
           being. After conducting a senior based   area is the first point of view as the client   space craft as the concept for the design.
                                                                                  The reception areas were finished with
                                                                                carpets, stretched ceilings, privacy walls
                                                                                and meeting facilities that are equipped
                                                                                with an AV solution to present IoTs
                                                                                innovative technology to their clients in-
                                                                                house and virtually. The meeting rooms
                                                                                are all labelled using Aurebesh, the Star
                                                                                wars alphabet.
                                                                                  Informal seating areas in matt black
                                                                                with LED light strips are the common
                                                                                design feature on the outside of each
                                                                                meeting room.

                                                                                Formal  meeting  rooms,  client  meeting
                                                                                  Private meeting rooms and VC
                                                                                are incorporated into the space for
                                                                                more formal meetings such as client
                                                                                interactions. All meeting rooms have
                                                                                access to AV equipment and writing
                                                                                boards.  The meeting rooms were designed
                                                                                using the concept of Dr Strangelove’s war
                                                                                room, with a black polished table and 12
                                                                                seats arranged around it.
                                                                                  We incorporated design elements
                                                                                into the meeting rooms such as the
                                                                                nine Y-wing pendant that was designed
                                                                                from the wishbone-shaped starfighter.It
                                                                                features a dusty gold finish that makes it
                                                                                look like it’s seen a bit of action, with satin
                                                                                acrylic cylinders that diffuse the LED light
                                                                                source. The effect evokes the image of its
                                                                                namesake rebel cruiser, zipping through
                                                                                space at light speed.

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