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                                                El Departamento designs Nude Project's

                                                 first international flagship store in Milan

                                                   he architectural and interior   Milan, the global fashion capital. The
                                                   design studio El Departamento   result is the concept 'Il Palazzo', through
                                             Thas unveiled its latest creation   which El Departamento has encapsulated
                                              in Milan – the new flagship store for the   the essence of traditional Italian palaces by
                                              rapidly growing Spanish streetwear brand,   incorporating seven distinctive elements
                                              Nude Project. Spanning 98 m2, the space   that exude luxury and sophistication.
                                              draws inspiration from classic Italian   The first element, 'Il Tapetto', defines
                                              palaces and signifies a major international   the  most  distinguished  area  of  the  store
                                              leap for both entities.           housing the premium outfit displays and
                                               Located  in  one  of  Milan's  main   fitting rooms. Its floors are adorned with
                                              commercial arteries, El Departamento   a bespoke carpet, paying homage to the
                                              has crafted Nude Project's first overseas   essential role of carpets in the homes of
                                              store at Porta Ticinese 64, a historic   Milan's high bourgeoisie.
                                              gateway transformed into a contemporary   The second one speaks about 'Il Tavolo
                                              meeting point. This store represents a   la  Fontana'.  Drawing  inspiration from
                                              significant international expansion for   tradition, the studio has designed a
                                              both the studio and the fashion brand,   centrepiece in the exhibition area where
                                              following their successful collaborations   a fountain harmonises the environment
                                              on physical retail locations in Spain and   with its sound. The piece is surrounded
                                              the design of Nude Project's headquarters   by an exhibition table that embraces its
                                              in Barcelona.                     entire perimeter.
                                               The conceptualisation of the space   The third element introduced by El
                                              addresses the challenge of enhancing the   Departamento  is 'Il  Lampadario'.  Large
                                              brand's reputation while concurrently   decorative lamps,  essential  in northern
                                              realising an architectural project befitting   Italian palaces, have been custom designed

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