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                Urban Jungle

             Take a walk on the wild
             side and transform your

           home into a tropical haven.

                 by Stuart Graham

                  rawing  inspiration  from   hang behind seating areas with towering   Create a cocooning canopy with
                  sprawling rainforests, the urban   floor-length curtains to immerse your   towering palm leaves shading your room,
           Djungle trend aspires to transport   space in conversational designs.  primely positioned in a corner above your
           you and your guests through the richest                              seating area to style a cosy nook. Large,
           depths of luscious destinations. Maxi-  Take Inspiration from Striking Natural   indoor potted palms are not only ideal for
           malist fabrics imaginatively interpreting   Forms for Your Palette   replicating luscious greenery found in the
           exotic flora and fauna, abundant tropical   Maximalism remains the cornerstone   depths of rainforests but are also especially
           foliage, and rich, cocooning colourways   of the urban jungle trend, so this shouldn’t   easy to maintain. Team up with opulent
           are all central to the trend.      stop at your colour choices.      jacquards featuring two-tone palm leaves
             Build on your desire to stay connected   In this scenario, the richer and more   or delicate embroideries adorned with
           with nature but with a conversational   cocooning your palette the better. Opulent   matt-finish palms for a cohesive look.
           twist,  and discover  newfound  inspiration   jewel tones not only convey the richness
           for reconnecting to the outdoors. With the   and density of vibrant rainforests, but also   Pair with Materials Found in the Depths
           season for entertaining drawing closer, we   incorporate the much-needed luxurious   of Nature
           need living areas that cocoon us and our   element synonymous with the trend for   Despite their conversational style,
           guests, while establishing focal points that   tropical interiors. So be inspired by some   tropical schemes are deep-rooted in the
           grab your attention as soon as you enter   of the Earth’s most richly hued natural   outdoors, so add in calming elements
           the room. So enjoy the visual warmth of   forms, from deeply inviting shades of   through natural finishes.
           rainforest-inspired spaces and truly make   bronze through to bright and captivating   Materials such as rattan, wicker, and
           an entrance by inviting the trend for the   platinum hues. Stick to three or four   raw wood pay homage to the abundance
           urban jungle into your home.       colourways and allow darker hues to take   of natural finishes often found in outdoor
                                              centre stage, adding in snippets of lighter   tropical settings. They are also ideal for
           Go Bold with your Fabric Choices   shades for temporary visual relief and   providing snippets of respite from the
             Take your senses on an adventure with   breaking up large expanses of moodier   highly maximalist nature of the urban
           striking designs and tactile finishes.  colourways.                  jungle style. Think of a wooden sofa
             Animalistic velvets adorned in swathes                             bench and wicker chair or stool, creating
           of leopard prints are ideal for setting the   Invite an Abundance of Tropical Foliage   a restorative space to sit back and relax.
           scene, so present these on large expanses   into the Home            Consider  swapping  out  metallic  accents
           of furniture to truly establish talking   No  home inspired by  evergreen   for wood finishes, such as your side table
           points. Complement with sprawling two-  rainforests would be complete without an   or furniture legs, for a more reserved,
           tone palm leaves upon scatter cushions, or   extensive collection of houseplants.  laid-back look.

                                                                                Look to Metallic Accents for a Touch of
                                                                                  To give your space the added glamour
                                                                                it deserves with a curation of extravagant
                                                                                gold accents scattered around your room.
                                                                                  When forming your urban jungle, hints
                                                                                of glamour throughout are essential. Use
                                                                                furniture legs, plant pots, side tables,
                                                                                curtain poles, and even lighting fixtures
                                                                                as opportunities to feature highlights of
                                                                                metallic in your scheme, favouring gold
                                                                                if decorating with darker, richer shades.
                                                                                Coordinate with gold or silver featured in
                                                                                your fabrics for a truly luxurious feel.  dw


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