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                                                   Shelter      Rest area detail

           find oneself, to explore new perspectives   context rich in architectural inspirations   architecture. It presents an opportunity to
           on nature and ourselves.           and constructive explorations. In this   explore and push the design concepts of
             Territoire Charlevoix is the third   sense, “the project is part of a deep   simplicity, minimalism, and efficiency in
           ecotourism site designed by Atelier L’Abri,   and ever-evolving reflection on our   service of a sincere experience with the
           along with the shelters at Parc du Poisson   relationship with the territory and how to   environment. Living in the buildings of
           Blanc in Outaouais, and the facilities at the   inhabit it”, says the team.  Territoire Charlevoix inspires us to slow
           Farouche Tremblant Nordic farm in the   The main challenge of such a project lies   down  and  embrace  degrowth. These
           Laurentians. Each site offers a new natural   in the delicate balance between nature and   simple  structures,  made with limited
                                                                                means, bring us back to the essence of
                                                                                our needs, while offering a tremendous
                                                                 Visitor centre  opportunity to reconnect with nature.
                                                                                They encourage us to reconsider our
                                                                                relationship with construction and the
                                                                                reduced impact our buildings could have
                                                                                on our world, without sacrificing what
                                                                                is essential to our well-being and our
                                                                                complex relationship with our territories.
                                                                                Technical sheet
                                                                                •   Project: Territoire Charlevoix
                                                                                •   Site: La Malbaie, Québec, Canada
                                                                                •   Client: Territoire Charlevoix
                                                                                •   Architecture: Atelier L’Abri
                                                                                •   Project team: Pia Hocheneder,
                                                                                    Jérôme Codère, Francis Martel-
                                                                                    Labrecque, Nicolas Lapierre
                                                                                •   Construction: Construction Éclair
                                                                                •   Completion: 2022
                                                                                •   Photography: Raphaël Thibodeau


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