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Coulisse Takes Centre Stage at R+T 2024 with Grand Showcase of

                   Motionblinds Smart Technology and Sustainable Textiles

                             Celebrating Double Triumph with R+T Innovation Awards

                                         for Groundbreaking Advancements

                 oulisse is celebrating a resounding   we're propelling smart and sustainable   to intuitively adjust according to the
                 success  at  R+T  Stuttgart  2024,   living into a new era.”   sun, optimising natural light and energy
           Cthe world's leading trade fair                                      efficiency based on the geographical
           for sun shading systems, securing two   World premiere: complete smart motor   location and orientation of the window.
           prestigious R+T Innovation Awards for   range                        The second award, in the 'Interior Sun
           groundbreaking advancements with its   In the Innovation Zone at the centre   Shading Systems'  category,  highlights  the
           smart technology brand, Motionblinds.   of the Motionblinds booth at R+T, the   innovative Smart Frame. Making its debut
           The event, being held from February 19-23,   complete range of Motionblinds all-in-one   at R+T, this new solution is the world's
           2024, is witnessing Coulisse's impressive   smart solutions will be premiered together   first solar-powered motorised pleated and
           demonstration of Motionblinds in action   for the first time. With Motionblinds   honeycomb blind in a magnetic frame,
           with partners Eve and ABB, as well as tech   first official launch at R+T in 2018, this   specially designed for drill-free installation
           giants Samsung and Google. Alongside is   comprehensive smart motor line-up is   in tilt and turn windows and doors.
           the Coulisse-Lienesch booth showcasing   designed for all types of interior shading.
           the latest textile innovation with an array   Motionblinds caters to smart home and   Coulisse-Lienesch  unveils  inspiring
           of  collections including recycled yarns   smart buildings with convenient USB-C   textiles
           and FSC®-certified bamboo.         rechargeable battery motors and reliable   The Coulisse-Lienesch booth stands
                                              wired solutions  tailored for  commercial   as a testament to the collaborative
           Spotlight on Motionblinds          projects. With built-in Eve technology   strength since the acquisition of Lienesch
             The Motionblinds booth, covering   featuring Matter-over-Thread, the Eve   on January 1, 2024. This strategic
           1,100 square metres, unveils the latest   Motionblinds range offers an effortless user   collaboration solidifies a unified approach
           smart motors featuring Matter-over-  experience, ensuring 100% data privacy   for customers seeking a comprehensive
           Thread technology in collaboration with   and interoperability across smart homes   product range from a single, industry-
           partners Eve, ABB, Samsung, and Google.   platforms, including Apple Home, Google   leading  supplier. The  exhibition unveils
           Representatives from these industry   Home, Samsung SmartThings and Alexa.  the latest strides in textile innovation,
           leaders  and  tech  giants will  be  on-site.                        presenting carefully curated collections
           Located  at  the  entrance,  the  expansive   Motionblinds:  two-time  innovation  featuring textured fabrics, recycled yarns,
           booth highlights a holobox, immersive   award winner                 energy efficient Honeycell® and FSC®-
           experience, and live demonstrations   Coulisse is honored to receive two   certified bamboo for venetian blinds,
           of smart devices in action within the   Innovation Awards at the R+T Stuttgart   aligning with the on-trend tones of 2024.
           smart home room. In addition, a striking   2024  event, recognising the excellence   Capturing the limelight is the Fundament
           26-metre video screen showcases the   of Motionblinds with built-in Eve   collection for roller and pleated blinds –
           future of smart living with Motionblinds,   technology. The first award, in the   an affordable and essential foundation for
           as well as exclusive AI-generated Living   'Building Automation' category, celebrates   every assortment.   dw
           Beauty video footage from acclaimed   the groundbreaking Adaptive Shading
           photographer Jasper Abels.         feature. This technology allows  shades
             Christiaan Roetgering, CEO of Coulisse:
           “In a world where everything is getting
           smarter, we understand that window
           coverings play a pivotal role in energy
           conservation, safety, and overall well-being,
           impacting everyone's  lives.  As  pioneers,
           we're leading the way into the future
           with Motionblinds smart technology,
           revolutionising both smart homes and
           commercial buildings. This commitment
           to a  smarter future is reflected in  our
           partnerships with Eve, ABB and tech giants
           Google, and Samsung. While Coulisse
           brings expertise in interior sun shading,
           our partners bring invaluable knowledge
           in smart devices and networks. Together,

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