Page 35 - Designing Ways 276
P. 35

Panoramic shelter   Shelter

           in summer and in winter. Balancing   into the floor's changing levels. A built-  invite meeting, relaxation, contemplation,
           rusticity and modernity, they are warm   in space also enables the placement of an   and conviviality, in addition to offering
           and functional spaces, conducive to   additional mattress, making it possible to   some of the most impressive views of the
           tranquility and evasion.           accommodate three people in a shelter.   site.
             Their orientation, carefully chosen   These height variations give a hierarchy to   Finally, the reception building serves as
           locations,  and  generous  openings  the spaces and create, without cluttering   a basecamp for campers, hikers, and other
           provide ample room for nature. Perched   the plan, a separation between the work   visitors coming to participate in various
           on slender legs, the small cabins blend   area of the kitchen and the rest area of   outdoor activities, rejuvenation, nature
           into the wild landscape with minimal   the bed. Each shelter also includes a   observation, or gastronomic discoveries
           impact on the ground. The lack of   covered outdoor dining area adjacent to   organised on the site. The building is split
           traditional foundations  avoids the  use   the interior volume. This terrace features   in two by a central breakthrough, oriented
           of heavy machinery, unsuitable for the   a large table and a workbench, providing a   towards the landscape. On the reception
           isolated and wild environment, and thus   protected entry area for occupants.  side is the “Oui Oui” forest buvette, which
           limits the deforestation required for the   The interior design is sleek and warm.   enables the sharing of good food and fresh
           development of these forest constructions.  A series of integrated furniture modules   air, either inside the warm environment of
             The volume of the each shelter is   was  designed  to  maximise  space  usage   the dining room, or outside on the long
           distinguished by its single-slope roof,   within a reasonable budget. These simple   terrace. Opposite, the utility side of the
           which follows the natural topography of   and utilitarian modules are inspired by the   building includes a sanitary block with
           the site. This bold form is reminiscent   modernist explorations of the early last   showers and bathrooms.
           of  the  shape  of  large  dormers,  or  old   century, while the use of economical and   It is through this family of varied
           cameras.  Like these  optical devices,   standardised materials, such as plywood,   buildings, all carefully integrated into
           the prisms of Territoire's small living   evokes the pieces of Donald Judd. White   their environment, that visitors to the site
           machines peak towards a wide opening   wood paneling softens the experience   are invited to quietly discover the place
           to form a true focal point on the   and invites tranquility, offering a contrast   for a complete immersion in the territory.
           landscape. This large glass pane spans   with the exterior wood cladding's raw
           the entire width of the interior plan and   and natural finish, in harmony with its   Slowness, beauty, and simplicity
           tilts lightly towards the valleys below,   surroundings. The outdoor programme   The shelters and facilities at Territoire
           creating a plunging view of the territory.   of the shelters is completed by a fire circle,   combine beauty, comfort, and simplicity.
           The cabins face the sunrise on one side of   a log shelter, and a wooden dry toilet.  They invite both body and mind to
           the site, and the sunset on the other, thus   In addition to the shelters, Territoire   tune into nature, to harmonise with its
           offering varied experiences of the region   Charlevoix  offers  a  camping  experience   slowness and pulse, and to take root once
           and its timeless moments.          in archipelagos, which are small groups of   again. In Territoire, architecture regains
             The layout is compact and functional   ready-to-camp wooden platforms. Each   its essential functions, providing shelter
           to reduce the building's impact, but   platform is isolated for more privacy, but   from the elements first and foremost, but
           meticulously optimised in its interior   remains near a panoramic shelter perched   also breaking free from the parameters
           design to offer a generous and comfortable   on the mountainside. These shelters are   of habit to offer a space of well-being
           space. The shelters are equipped with a   the heart of the archipelagos and provide   sheltered from time. The small, solitary
           kitchenette, a small dining table, a wood   the camper islands with a protected space   structures in the forest become vehicles
           stove, and a large bed directly in front of a   that includes a common kitchenette. These   for experiencing the vital need to escape.
           bay window. Bench spaces are integrated   spaces promote a community spirit and   They provide opportunities to get lost and

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