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                  IID update,

                   July 2024.

              n June,  The IID partnered with
           ISHOW to deliver an enriching event
           for Interior Designers, Decorators,
           Architects, and key players in the
           hospitality industry. The  highlight  was
           exclusive in-person discussions featuring
           pertinent topics currently influencing
           the hospitality industry and all those
           involved in this dynamic sector. Chris
           Browne, Founder and Creative Director
           of Fox Browne Creative shared profound
           insights into the influences shaping his
           design concepts and business strategies,
           renowned for their award-winning
           narratives of hospitality and luxury in the   demonstrating how blending purpose   strategies effectively. And the value of not
           wild.                              with profit can elevate industry standards   only understanding the outcome but of
             Thuli  Mahlangu,  Founder  of Zing   alongside Gavin Ferreira, Concession   mapping the process thinking to achieve
           Design,  explored  the  fusion  of  timeless   General Manager at Kruger Shalati, and   desired outcomes.
           authentic  design  with  innovation,  Brett  Hendricks,  CEO  of Motsamayi   In conclusion, the event not only
           seamlessly blending aesthetics and   Tourism Group, who shared their visionary   fostered  knowledge  exchange  but
           functionality with Ryan Illger, CEO   approaches to hospitality that prioritise   ignited a collective passion for pushing
           of Blacksmith Interior Design, and JP   sustainable growth and community impact.  boundaries in hospitality design. It served
           Beukes of OnePointZero who offered   The event also featured Maria Day,   as a reminder that by embracing creativity,
           their professional perspectives and   Managing Director of the IID discussing     purpose, and innovation, we can shape a
           expertise on crafting spaces that resonate   strategic benefits of process thinking   future  where  every  guest  experience  is
           with contemporary needs and trends.  for  hospitality  service  providers.  extraordinary and memorable
             Andrea Kleinloog, Partner  at Hesse   Maria highlighted how this approach   We extend our  heartfelt  gratitude
           Kleinloog,  took  attendees  on  a  journey   enhances customer satisfaction, fosters   to our sponsors who enthusiastically
           towards  a  purpose-driven  future,  innovation, and optimises operational   supported our platform, ensuring its
                                              efficiency. Experts  including  JP Beukes   success and providing our members with
                                              of OnePointZero, Jodi Day from iTiS   an opportunity to network and engage in
                                              Design, and Megan Hesse, Co-Founder   conversations in style and comfort.  dw
                                              of Hesse Kleinloog, contributed valuable
                                              insights  into  implementing  these

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