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                           KSA update, July 2024.

                or its inception, a crucial part of   grain and pattern can look different
                what the KSA does has been about   on a large scale than it does on a small-
           Fprotecting the consumer and giving   scale sample – this perceived difference
           them  a path to recourse.  When  the   in scale does not necessarily mean the
           Consumer Protection Act came into place   sample and the product do not match. It
           this took on a whole new dynamic.  The   is also important to note that timber and   can charge the consumer a reasonable
           inception of the Consumer Ombuds is   stone are natural products, and there are   charge when these goods are returned.
           also changing the landscape of consumer   naturally occurring variations in pattern,   Remember that if you have been given
           recourse and company accountability.     colour, texture and grain that are part   opportunity to examine  the  goods,  or  a
           Almost two years ago the KSA undertook   of the product, which cannot always   sample thereof, and you refuse, you may
           a process of engagement with the National   be controlled by the manufacturer or   be compromising this right. Also, if you
           Consumer Council and the Consumer   fabricator. There is a responsibility on the   authorise someone to inspect the goods
           Ombuds to become recognised as a   consumer to understand and inspect the   for you, they are deemed to be acting on
           consumer organisation.             materials they ask the company to work   your behalf and may compromise this
             To be recognised as a Consumer   with.  Please  bear  in  mind  that  once  the   right. Once again remember once the
           organisation would have significant   goods have been installed your right to   goods are installed this right falls away.
           impact for our organisation. Firstly, it   return them is void.        The supplier must always provide a
           would mean that KSA members would   The consumer has a right to expect   written sales record of each transaction to
           not have to register and pay levies to the   the supplier to deliver the goods or   the consumer. Ensure you have a written
           Consumer Ombuds as they are recognised   perform the services on the agreed date,   contract, and you sign off the drawings;
           by their KSA membership.  Secondly, it   if any, or otherwise within a reasonable   any and all changes made after the initial
           would mean our rulings in mediations   time after concluding the agreement,   contract is signed, are to be documented
           would have a formal grounding with the   unless otherwise is  expressly provided   and signed. You will be asked to sign off
           Ombuds and that the Ombuds would   for in the agreement. If a fixed date for   the technical drawings of your kitchen
           recognise the KSA as the consumer expert   delivery is given and the deadline is not   and in doing this, you accept that the
           for the kitchen industry.          met, the consumer may either accept the   design and specs are correct. Should you
             In July, we received the good news that   delivery or cancel the agreement without   question the specs and they have been
           our application had been successful and   penalty. You will be given an estimated   made according to drawings you have
           that the KSA is now a formally recognised   manufacturing and installation timeline   signed off, the company is not liable.
           Consumer organisation for the kitchen   from the company as part of your contract.   Any person performing a service
           industry.  As such we thought this would   Please remember that if the delivery date   for a consumer at their premises must
           be a good chance to overview the CPA and   is changed due to delays on your side –   visibly display or wear some form of
           how it applies the products our members   or one of your other contractors, rather   identification. For your own safety only
           make.                              than by a delay on the kitchen supplier’s   allow people who are clearly identifiable
             Goods ordered from a kitchen     side, you will have to adjust your new   as working for your contractor to enter
           manufacturer are considered  “special-  delivery date to one that works for both   your home.
           order goods” which means the goods are   yourself and the supplier, as he cannot be
           custom designed and made specifically   expected to compromise other clients to   Part D of the act – right to disclosure
           to satisfy the consumer’s requirements.   accommodate your delay. If you delay the   and  information: Any notice or
           For special order goods, only certain   delivery from the dates stipulated in the   document given to a consumer must be
           aspects of the Act (CPA) apply. The law as   contract, then this right is void.  in a plain and understandable language.
           it pertains to special order goods, is not   If  the  consumer  has  not  had the   It is a good idea to ask your contractor
           really tried and tested in court and there   opportunity to examine or inspect the   to take you through the contract, clause
           are grey areas when it comes to returning   actual goods received before purchase,   by clause, so you can clarify anything you
           goods and refunding of monies.     on delivery of the goods they are entitled   don’t understand. They should also take
                                              to inspect the goods. If on this initial   you through the drawings, as once you
             Part C of the act – the consumer’s   inspection they find that the ‘special   have signed them off you are accepting
           right to choose: If a consumer has bought   order’ goods do not reasonably conform   that they are correct.
           goods solely on the basis of a description   to the specifications of the order, then
           or sample, or both, the consumer can   the consumer can return the goods to the   Part F  of the act – right to fair and
           reject the goods if the goods delivered do   supplier and receive a full refund. This can   honest  dealing: Advertisements or any
           not correspond with the description given   only be done within 10 business days after   form of marketing to the consumer
           by the supplier or the examined samples.   delivery to the consumer and this right is   cannot be false, misleading or deceptive.
           It  is  important  to  note  that  a  sample   not available once the goods have been   Remember if an offer sounds too good to
           is a small piece of a product. Colour,   installed. In certain instances, the supplier   be true, it probably is. If, after delivery to

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