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the consumer, the supplier and consumer   damage insurance to cover him, should   within  three  months  the  goods  present
           agree to substitute any of the goods, an   any damage occur during the job – having   with the same problem, the goods must
           amended agreement or sales record must   this insurance is  not mandatory but   then be replaced or the purchase price
           be given to the consumer. Get all changes   it  does  help  if  anything  gets  damaged.   refunded. Should there be a problem with
           noted in writing and signed by both   If you feel the contractor’s team is not   a KSA member’s workmanship within the
           parties. Remember any changes made   respecting your home and leaving it in an   warranty period, the KSA will step in to
           once the company is on site will add time   unkempt or damaged manner, notify him   offer mediation. We will however always
           to the completion date and the company   immediately.                seek to fix, repair or replace before we look
           can no longer be held to the originally   The Act also provides for an implied   to hold our member to a refund. It is also
           agreed completion date.            warranty within six months from date   important to note that the Act, provides
                                              of delivery. The warranty gives the   for consumers to refer any disputes to
             Part G of the act – right to fair, just and     consumer the right to receive goods that   an applicable industry body in order to
           reasonable terms & conditions: When   are reasonably suitable for the purpose   enforce any right in terms of the Act or
           consumers enter into any agreement with   that they are intended to be used for;   to resolve  any dispute in  respect  of a
           a  supplier  for  the  supply  of  any  goods   are of good quality, free of defects and in   transaction or agreement with a supplier.
           or services, the agreement must be fair,   good working order, and will be durable   The KSA is the only registered body that
           reasonable and just.               and  usable  for  a  reasonable  period  of   exists to mediate issues within the kitchen
                                              time. All KSA kitchen members are held   industry and is now proudly recognised by
             Part H of the act – right to fair value,     to a minimum of a one-year warranty   the Consumer Ombuds and the National
           good quality and safety:  When a supplier   excluding wear and tear or abuse.   Consumer Council. However, we are
           undertakes to perform any service for   If goods are found not to comply with   only mandated to act if the company
           the consumer, the consumer has a right   these requirements, then up to 6 months   in question is a KSA member. As such
           to expect the property to be in the same   after receiving the goods; the supplier must   we  would encourage  consumers  and
           condition as when the property was   then either repair or replace the goods or   industry professionals to always confirm
           made available, taking into account the   refund the consumer. The consumer has   if a company is a KSA member before
           circumstances of the supply and any other   the choice as to whether they want the   appointing them to a contract.  dw
           conditions agreed between the parties.   goods repaired, replaced or their money
           Ask your contractor if he has resulting   refunded. If goods are repaired and then

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