Page 27 - Designing Ways 273
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They will soften hard surfaces and
absorb moisture in wet zones like kitchens
and bathrooms. The latest on-trend rugs
are designed to make a stunning visual
impact, while offering practical benefits
that will leave you doubly thrilled with
your choice. From sustainable materials
to statement patterns, the newest area
rugs are sure to bring a touch of magic to
a living space.
The Vintage and vintage-inspired
area rug trend will continue to enchant
in 2024. With a connection to the past,
these rugs boast a charming, worn-
in appearance that adds character and
nostalgia. Rugs with faded, distressed
or weathered designs effortlessly blend
the old with the new. That quality makes
them an excellent choice for creating a
timeless aesthetic. dw
homeowners in kitchen and bathroom common and will continue to grow in
renovations, it is also expected to see an popularity throughout 2024. They can
increase in these types of patterns and display different textures, sizes and
shapes. colours of the floor which end up binding
Hexagon tiles have been in the spotlight into each other.
for some time now, especially when used
in the kitchen or bathroom. In 2024 we Why an Area Rug?
will see hexagonal tiles, as well as various An area rug can be the perfect way to
other shapes in large sizes that will take add a touch of comfort, utility and style
place in living room, dining room, to any room. Area rugs give aesthetic
kitchen and bathroom. These patterns oomph to any home, but they have
create beautiful effects in any room. practical purposes too. Rugs protect
Drop patterns are also becoming more floors and define room layout
dw • Issue 273 27