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                 Trends 2024

                by Stienie Greyling

                s t  he hospitality industry looks
                  towards 2024, one of the top
            Atrends shaping its future is a
           strong emphasis on sustainability.  Hotels
           and resorts are increasingly adopting eco-
           friendly practices and implementing green
           initiatives to reduce their environmental

           As Sustainability is no longer a trend: It
           is a necessity!
             In 2024 guests will be more conscious of
           their environmental footprint.  Implement
           eco-friendly initiatives, such as energy-
           efficient appliances, waste reduction
           programmes and locally sourced organic
           ingredients in the hospitality industry.

           Future top trends in hospitality industry
           Artificial Intelligence.
             Artificial intelligence is making its way
           into everyday life more than ever before,   answering frequently asked questions.     for local attractions, restaurants and
           and it is transforming the hospitality   They offer 24/7 availability, reducing   events based on each guest’s preferences.
           sector as we know it.              the need for guests to wait for assistance   By utilising AI algorithms that learn
             AI-powered  chat  bots  can  handle  a   from hotel staff. This improves customer   from used interactions, these virtual
           wide range of tasks, including reservation   satisfaction levels and allows staff to focus   concierges continually improve their level
           bookings, room service requests, and   on more complex issues.       of personalisation over time.
                                               Virtual concierges are also becoming
                                              popular in hotels, enabling guests to   Personalisation in the Digital Age.
                                              communicate with a digital assistant via   Data analytics and personalisation
                                              voice or text commands.  These virtual   are transforming the way the hospitality
                                              assistants can provide recommendations   caters to its guests. With advancement in

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