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The impact of Voice Technology.
Voice technology has revolutionised
the hospitality industry by proving a
seamless, personalised experience for
guests. With the integration of voice
assistants and voice-activated devices
in hotels and resorts, guests can now
effortlessly control various aspects of their
stay through simple vocal commands.
From adjusting room settings such as
temperature and lighting, to requesting
services like housekeeping or arranging
transportation, this innovative technology
offers convenience and efficiency.
Integrating voice assistants and voice-
activated devices into hotels and resorts
is set to shape the future of hospitality,
by transforming how guests interact
with their surroundings as well as how
hoteliers deliver exceptional service.
technology, hotels can now collect and By leveraging data analytics and This trend highlights the importance of
analyse vast amounts of data to create personalisation, hotels can enhance embracing technological advancements
tailored experiences of each guest. guest satisfaction and loyalty. Guests feel that enhance guests' experience, while
Using data from previous stays, valued when their individual preferences maximising operation efficiency.
preferences and online interactions, are taken into account, leading to better
hotels can anticipate guests’ needs and reviews and repeat business. The Evolution of Mobile Technology.
personalize their stay. From customised Overall, the use of data analytics and Mobile technology continues to
room amenities to personalised personalisation is set to shape the future advance at a rapid pace and its impact on
recommendations for activities and of hospitality by providing guests with the hospitality industry is far-reaching.
dining options, these tailored experiences unforgettable experiences that fit their With smartphones becoming increasingly
create a sense of exclusivity for guests. individual needs and desires. powerful and user-friendly, hotels are
leveraging this trend to enhance the guest
• Seamless check-in: Gone are the
days of waiting in long lines at the
front desk.
• Digital room keys: Instead of
carrying around plastic key cards,
guests can now unlock their hotel
rooms using their smartphones.
• Personalised experiences: Mobile
apps enable hotels to tailor services
base on individual preferences.
As mobile technology continues to
evolve, we can expect even more innovative
solutions that will further transform how
we experience in 2024 and beyond. dw
dw • Issue 273 33