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Battilossi, Eclectica,
Battilossi, Series 2, Shaggy , Silver Crossroads, Silver Battilossi, Series 1, Flame on, Silver
Battilossi - Tocca T6 Pearl Tibetan wool, natural silk and linen. Each of materials. Silk is used in fields of
composition, each motif has its own cut confident hues interspersed with wool
finish, meaning that each carpet has its throughout the pile, giving a softer texture
own character. to the Series 1 carpets; this is in contrast
to the plain and coloured sari-silk used to
Eclectica Crossroads SILVER embellish the sides and ends.
The abstract and organic designs of the
Eclectica collection are inspired by the
surfaces, made of man-made materials Tocca T6 PEARL
that we encounter every day, and Tocca designs have an extremely
demonstrate how sublime sophistication complex woven structure with more than
can be found even in something as prosaic six overlaying textures that give the rugs
as a corroded sheet of metal, enhancing a unique handle and visual texture. The
the profound ability of yarns to transform Tocca collection is realised in Tibetan
and tell stories. Small-pot dyeing of the wool and fine linen and is hand-knotted
100% fine Gazhni wool heightens the in the Kathmandu Valley. Geometry,
texture in a celebration of colour. colour and texture work together to create
a movement, a dance.
Series #1 Flame on SILVER Designed in Italy and hand-knotted in
The clarity of the design and colours Pakistan. Custom materials, colours and
throughout the collection is achieved sizes available upon request dw
through the use of an innovative weaving
technique and a carefully chosen mixture
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