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             Laduma having gone through this   African continent. While doing so, play a
           process, felt  compelled  to  develop   major part in growing the African fashion
           premium  knitwear  in celebration  of   economy,’ Ngxokolo says.
           traditional Xhosa aesthetics. Through   ‘It gives me a great sense of fulfilment
           accessing and playing with reinterpreting   to wake up every day and realise that
           the astonishing power of traditional   I am living my conviction, and still be
           Xhosa beadwork patterns, symbolism and   humble enough to know that we are only
           colours, MAXHOSA AFRICA was born.   in the beginning stages of the journey
           The designs showcase the beauty, culture,   of our conviction. Through a simple, yet
           language and aspiration of the Xhosa   dynamic concept of initially reinterpreting
           people. MAXHOSA AFRICA allowed this   traditional Xhosa beadwork patterns and
           tradition to evolve into a contemporary   motifs into modern fashion premium
           form that resonates with fashion markets   pieces,  that we  later  infuse  subtly with
           worldwide.                         other African aesthetics, we have built a
             ‘Since I started my journey into   cultural luxury institution that is a home
           the fashion industry in 2011, when I   to 300 professionals that are in permanent
           established a fashion brand that is known   job positions, who passionately serve in
           as MAXHOSA, my conviction was quite   our production, retail and operations
           straight forward. My ultimate objective   departments and facilities,’ he continues.
           as a design professional was to establish a                    dw
           luxury institution that aimed to showcase
           culture, the greatness and beauty of the

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