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            Sparking Creativity

             with Adventurous

               Colour Choices

                in Your Home

                     by Dulux

                 olour plays a pivotal role in
                 shaping the ambience and mood
           Cof your space. While neutral and
           muted tones have long been the go-to   Considering the Mood and Atmosphere  “We often think about the use
           choice for many homeowners over the   When choosing colours for your home,   of colour on walls, furniture, and
           years, more adventurous colours are   it’s important to consider the mood and   accessories, however pops of colour in
           becoming popular because of their ability   atmosphere you want to create in each   unexpected places can create a unique
           to inject personality, creativity, and a   room. Warm and vibrant colours such as   and memorable statement look. Go for
           sense of excitement into the home.  Dulux’s colour of the Year, Sweet Embrace   colours that complement your existing
             Palesa  Ramaisa,  Dulux  Colour  along with its palettes can energise a space   décor and add to the overall aesthetic of
           Expert, shares how you can use bold   and add a sense of coziness, while cool and   your home,” concludes Ramaisa.
           and adventurous colour choices to ignite   calming colours like blues and greens can   These unexpected touches of colour
           creativity and breathe new life into your   create a tranquil and relaxing environment.  can add depth and interest to any home
           home:                               “While bold use of colour can be   space. Using different colour palettes
                                              exciting and visually stimulating, it’s   in contrasting ways can help you to
           Creating a Focal Point             important to maintain a sense of balance   create  home  spaces  that  are  not  only
             One of the most effective ways to   and harmony in your home décor and   visually stunning but also engaging and
           incorporate colour into your home is to   design. It is important to use colours that   inspiring – radiantly reflecting your
           create a design focal point. Whether it’s a   balance one another to create a cohesive   personality. So why not take the plunge
           brightly coloured accent, a vibrant piece   and harmonious look,”    and start exploring the exciting world of
           of furniture, or a bold piece of artwork,   adds Ramaisa. By  selecting colours   adventurous colour choices in your home
           a focal point can serve as a conversation   that  align  with  the  desired  mood  and   today?
           starter and set the tone of the space.  atmosphere, you can create a space that   Discover how Sweet Embrace™ and
             “If you’re new to the world of bold   not only looks great but also feels great.  the new Dulux Colour of the Year
           colour, start by incorporating small                                 palettes could transform your home with
           accents and accessories. As you become   Embracing Colour in Unexpected Places  the Dulux Visualizer App. It’s the perfect
           more  comfortable,  you  can  gradually   While walls and furniture are obvious   companion to help provide a little colour
           introduce larger elements such as wall   spaces to incorporate colour, you should   guidance for your unique style.
           colours and furniture,”            not overlook the opportunity to add   Follow Dulux social pages, Facebook,
             says  Ramaisa.  By  choosing  a  colour   adventurous  and  uplifting  colours  in   Twitter and Pinterest or Instagram for
           that resonates with you and reflects your   unexpected places. Consider painting the   more colour inspiration and information.
           personality, you can create a space that is   inside of your bookcase, the trim on a door,       dw
           striking and uniquely yours.       or the ceiling in a bold and vibrant hue.

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