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but it was generally the vocation of those   connected to the brand’s ethos and evoke   said this, after twenty years of dedicating
           building the structures. However, it   a sense of purpose for our client. It has   myself and my team to the creation
           wasn't until the latter half of the previous   not always been easy but through sheer   of other brands, it’s time to follow my
           century  that interior  design  emerged   determination we have helped build   passion – creating my own furniture
           as a distinct and respected profession,   some of the leading brands in South   brand.  I  am  excited  to  have  embarked
           evolving into a crucial aspect of modern   Africa. While we help to grow brands   on a new journey with the very talented,
           building projects.                 like CTM and Italtile, we also birthed   Jodi Day, and will be launching our
             With an ever-increasing demand for   Rocomamas  interiors  with its  founder,   brand Hunt & Day Designs over the
           interior designers, I have often asked   Brian Altriche. Our entrepreneurial   next few years. While I continue to grow
           myself what it takes to build a sustainable   spirit fuels both the brands we create and   my other two businesses, I am excited
           interior design practice in today’s   our own business.              for my new journey.
           market? How do you set yourself apart   After achieving initial goals, it's crucial   I think the essence of what I am trying
           from everyone else?                to set new ones to avoid complacency.   to say is achieve excellence, never stop
             It is simply not good enough to only   Starting The Space Mill, a production   evolving, always give your best, remain
           have creative flair, this most certainly is   company, was a pivotal moment for me.   committed and don’t ever worry about
           essential, but not the backbone of a great   Designing and manufacturing our own   failure. My journey in the ever-changing
           interior design business. Hard work and   creations brought immense challenges….   landscape of design will continue to be
           commitment aside, truly understanding   and has certainly tested my resolve over   meaningful and constantly foster growth.
           your design vision and goals, constantly   the years, but it has also opened doors   If you feel that you cannot do more, it is
           innovating, evolving and never being   to new opportunities that wouldn't have   the time to give more - challenge yourself
           scared to fail are all cornerstones of   emerged otherwise.          and force growth.           dw
           creating a sustainable business.    Sometimes you find yourself at a   Darren Bester
             My vision has always been simple; to   crossroads in your career where you   IT IS Design
           create amazing spaces and be an integral   have to make decisions that challenge
           part of a brands identity. As a team, we   your trajectory and how you react
           grow brands by creating spaces that are   determines your destination. Having

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